Preferred TTD seats

I wanted to get some feedback from the people who have ridden TTD on what the best seat is and why.
I've been on TTD 7 times 1 front 1 second 1 4th row from back and 4 in the back ... any seet on it is awesome, but if you don't mind the wait or are willing to risk more down time wait for the front it's worth it as it is easily the best place to sit. The back is great too but on wednesday 8/6 they weren't loading the last four seats (back car) I'm guessing to try and prevent rollbacks.
The first time I rode it was in the front seat. Nothing to complain about there. I also took one spin a little further back in the train (can't remember the car or seat #'s though). Other than the visuals there really isn't that much of a difference in the seats (as far as I could tell). But the front seat is sweet for it's visuals and I would recommend waiting for the front seat for your first ride on Dragster. After that first ride I'd go for the shortest line once you enter the station.
I've ridden TTD twice both times in the second row. No complaints! Have fun!


Having only riden it three times, I am no expert, but I would have to say that the front seat is by far the best.

My first ride was in row seven, next ride was in the front. Third ride was in the front. My next ride, if and when there is a next ride, will be in the front.

My first ride was just incredible. The second ride, in the front was about ten times better. 120 MPH Wind in your face and close up look of the track flying under the train make it seem even faster. Then there is the body chopper as come over the top and start into the spiral.

The front seat is about an extra 40 minute wait and is well worth every minute.

Now if they can only get the thing running again when I'm at the park! If you see my name on the meeting calendar for Cedar Point, that means that the ride will be broke down all day long, so don't plan on riding it that day.

I regret to inform you that Cedar Point's newest roller coaster, Top Thrill Dragster will not be operational today, or tomorrow or probably any day that you decide to visit our park. Please accept our apologies.

To tell you the truth I was very dissapointed on my first ride on TTD and didn't find the ride or launch that great.... all of those thoughts were erased however when I rode the front seat... just wow! It's totally worth the extra 1/2 hour wait in my opinion....
I think that the first row is def. worth the extra wait. Not only do you get a new hair dew afterwards ;) but the view on the way down is incredible, not to mention scary. Any row is a god row on that ride but IMO the front is the place to be.

Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!!- Six Flags Great America

I rode it twice on July in the back row on the left side of the red car, and one in the front row right side dark purple (or black) car (it was nite time). Both were sweet, but the front is definetely worth the wait. the back people say for airtime, but they push the harnesses down so far that the airtime was never felt by me. the view in the front is amazing, on the launch it is just like when they hit the nitrous in the FAST AND THE FURIOUS. it is truly worth the extra wait. in the back I waited 1 1/2, while in the front I waited 2 1/2. I even killed a bug on my arm during the launch, hands held high.

so with the front you might get an extra souvenir

I am one.
I am Turbo.
Top Thrill in the front row... anything else is lame

Even though I was stapled in, I felt air on all three on my trips over the top. Gotta ride the front!

I regret to inform you that Cedar Point's newest roller coaster, Top Thrill Dragster will not be operational today, or tomorrow or probably any day that you decide to visit our park. Please accept our apologies.

As everyone else seems to be saying, the front seat is by far the best. No comparison. The wind in your face, and the views have no competition from any coaster, anywhere. Woo hoo!
For what was supposed to be my first ride, I decided to risk it and wait for the front. After 4 1/2 hours of waiting, I was next up for the front and it shut down. TTD was also closed the entire day on our 2nd day, and I left the park without riding at all.

Had I not got in line for the front row, I would have been able to ride TTD, but I always like the first ride on something big and new to be in the best seat, and I assumed the front was best for TTD.

1. Millennium Force
2. HypersonicXLC
3. Alpengeist

Thanks guys for all of the input. It sounds like the consensus is for the front seat which is what I was thinking also. Coasterdude04, I hope you have better luck next time!
Yeah front seat is the best- the ride experience isn't really that different- the launch still feels the same- but the visuals from the front seat are awesome; just to see the launch mechanism working and then the clear view from 420ft! Any seat is amazing, but if you're there only once I would seriously do the front seats- it is a longer wait, but its worth it!
I agree with basically everyone here...any seat that makes my *eyelids* flap is definitely the hands down winner! ;)

Top Thrill Dragster -- The most intense, unbelievable, and spectacular fifteen seconds on any coaster, anywhere, ever.

I rode in front left and front right, and must say that I preferred front left the best, because of the visuals you get on the way down.

SW:):)SH Shaddy(president of LEMCCDWBLI)

Honestly I would say the front just because of the view of the track and the full view of the drop, Honestly I don't think there is much of a diffrence in the seats except the view, watch for bugs up front.
everyone keeps on saying the front seat....but i havent experienced the front to tell you more of the same

ive ridden just about everywhere but the front, and i can tell you that the close to the front you are, the better the ride is...the back is so far the least fun IMO....and the 2nd or 3rd to front are the best IMO

but since im lacking a front seat ride, right now id go w/ #2 or time im going to risk the front!!!!!

ive always thought that waiting an extra 1/2 cant be worth it....on MF it was only worth it once, the back is by farrrrrrrr the best anytime of the day there....but for TTD, I can imagine that nothing could be as good as the front seat since everything is just better the more towards the front you go!

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coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Who cares. Any seat is an awesome seat!!!! My very first time on Dragster was in the front row. Sure, the visuals were amazing but other than that I could not tell the difference.

I will take any seat on Dragster. ;-)


Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

Of my 5 rides, one was a front seat and it is by far the best. It seems like you're going twice as fast in the front than anywhere else on the train because you don't have a big seat and headrest blocking your view and the wind.

CP 2K3: 15
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" -strong bad

After riding TTD a good number of times, I would have to say that front seat is the best. I think it makes the launch feel a little bit different and the visuals are just incredable.

AkA somewhatchewy

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