Pre-Timbersfest: MiA 5/29/03

Associated parks:

Once again, NOBODY said hi to me... :( (black ST shirt again...)

Started the day out with a zip on the Zoomer and Corky. Be-Bop's getting some scenery, btw. Too many school groups there, making my park busy. Can't wait for next week to be over...

Headed right over to Timbers for my "Pre-Timbersfest" visit, getting 11 laps in. (71 total). A quick lunch, then back for another 11 laps. (82 total). Loads of fun, especially when I sat next to a kid who'd NEVER ridden a coaster before. He didn't like my Timbers. ;)

Next time (I don't know when yet) someone better ride with me, as I'll hit the big 1-0-0. And you all better show up closing day as I'm going for 2-0-0.


Guess who's back... MIA JON!

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