Possible Second Delay For X-Flight

I'm not sure but X-Flight may not open on Saturday as planned. The reason I think this is because it is supposed to thunderstorm on Saturday. This means they might have to delay it until Saturday but I hope this won't be the case.
Why would that delay it? If it storms, they will close the ride (And all the rides at the park) until it passes, and then reopen it.
Well it actualy opens tomarow for the select few like me. Ill be there all day for a comercial shoot.
Yes, but at Fright Fest last year, when it was about to storm and they saw lightning, they closed the entire park and didn't wait to reopen the rides.
Speaking of that shoot tomorrow, the skies best stay clear...

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Lucky. How do you get signed up for commercial shoots? I would love to do a shoot with PKIs newest ride next year. That would be cool

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den
Man, I still havn't seen any pictures of this thing running! I am desperate!

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
Thats because it hasn't run much at all. The first run was on Saturday, after a train had been perched up on the lift for a couple of days.

Personally, I don't see the ride being ready. Few tests have been done, the stations haven't been tested, no employees have been trained for it yet, and the scheduled opening date is this Saturday. But, who knows?
The weather looks great tomorow so we should get a great time.
I shall be there, rain or shine on Friday! Could someone please give me some backround info on what happens at a normal shoot? I am dying to know, I am very clueless. I don't care if I am not in the actual commercial, it is just gonna be awesome riding! This is not the first time I may be on TV in NE Ohio. Recently myself and a few buds danced for backstage passes for Nsync at Great Lakes Science Center that was televised on WKYC. I will be meeting Nsync (and getting 'me lady and autograph) on June 22nd at the Browns Stadium.

The poster formally known as punk
Yeah I was wondering what happens at these. I just learned I might have to leave early because my dad got tix for game 3 against the devils tomorrow night. Anybody know when its done.

You guys might want to head over to http://www.refreshinglook.com/. Chip is stating that he is recieving word from a reliable source that this event might not take place tomorrow. If you have plans to be at the shoot, find out exactly what is going on.

This would totally suck. I am leaving tonight for my scheduled trip to the big three Ohio parks. If X-Flight lets me down this will be the second year in a row that I got screwed. (SOB last year)

7 hours for nothing.



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