Popular Crap Rides

What are some crap rides you've made that were surprisingly popular? Once I made a chairlift that was just a few pieces of station platform at 9MPH, and charged $2.00 per ride. It almost always had a line, and was very profitable for over a year.

Cedar Fair hates valleyfair... boohoo.
I must admit I haven't tried that one... :)

I've found that go kart tracks are almost always really popular, even if they do nothing but go in a lame circle for 6-7 squares. The excitement and intensity are both pathetic, but they always seem to draw a crowd.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
I made a race track with two or 3 station blocks then turn 3 block straight away and turn to the station. I set the laps at 10. The excitement was 6 somthing. I thought it was a crappy ride but the peeps didn't.

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
go karts are always popular, no matter how long they are or how long they get to ride.

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