Pontchartrain Flyers at Six Flags New Orleans

Andy, you're right about PKI, PKD and Knoebels, for they have the park model (trusslike arms). Don't forget Fun Spot, Americana (which has unique but heavy tubs) and a few other small parks around the states. A search should bring up another thread on locations, since I remember seeing one last year. PGA received a set of new ones from Larson, which are the right style, but their shorter cables and fast rpm make 'em harder to get any slack. Reminded me of Seabreeze, whose portable flyers start to feel like a Rotor and Zephyr combined thanks to the tire-driven, insane speed they turn!

Other parks with portables include, Erieview, Stricker's Grove and Conneaut Lake. Park models, however, are generally easier due to the ride speed and length of cable. But with practice you can get the portables to snap...it just takes a different approach in the timing.

And Dave, I wanna see that video! Just make sure it's a mpg or wmp format since my mac (with explorer 6 won't play the quicktime or avi) format. If not I'll stop by with a VHS that you can copy it on. ;)
Brad Sherman
"Crying is for little girls, babies and men who just had their ears ripped off!" - Oobedoob "Scoobi-doobi" Benubi, Thumb Wars

john peck's avatar
Am I in that video, Dave?
Brad, if you're using a Mac, why don't you have QuickTime 6.1? And why would you use Explorer when there are MUCH better alternatives out there?

Honestly, john, I don't know if you're in this video or not; I haven't looked close enough to tell for sure. The video in question (I encoded it last night; I'll post it to my web page as soon as I get access to a broadband connection...Monday morning at the latest) was shot on April 8, 2001 at PKI. I don't remember if you were on the same cycle as me, or on the cycle after, which is the one I have on tape. Isn't it enough for you that you practically starred in the Idlewild video? :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


The Flying Scooters video I promised in this thread is now available on my web site in the "adventures" section. It's a 5.5 Mb QuickTime/3ivx MPEG 4 clip entitled "Flying Scooters with ACE Pilots".

Enjoy! This should show you what "snapping" is all about. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Probably because Explorer is what the comp came with. What do you suggest? Netscape? Aohell? :) And I have the latest QT now...still no luck

Wait, I got it! And I see a lot of familiar faces on there. What's that? Someone left the line screaming and crying!
Brad Sherman
"Crying is for little girls, babies and men who just had their ears ripped off!" - Oobedoob "Scoobi-doobi" Benubi, Thumb Wars
*** This post was edited by Arrow Guy 3/9/2003 1:52:20 AM ***


MSIE is a dinosaur on the Mac, having not been updated in something like three years, and being dog-slow. I don't know if you have OS X or not...if you're under OS-8.5 or later, try Mozilla 1.2.1 which was released 12/2/2002. If you're under OS X, I'd go with Camino 0.7, which is the new name for Chimera. Or if you're under OS X.2 (Jaguar) and are a little bit brave, try Safari which is very nice, but still technically in the beta stage. I've used Opera on the Mac but found it slow and unstable compared to Mozilla/Netscape, though I haven't tried it under OS X. On the PC side I've almost totally converted to Opera for web browsing even though microsoft.com and msn.com deliberately send it broken pages.

That said, your choice of browser should not hinder your viewing of my video; I've looked at my other video page (which is identical) on several systems, using Netscape, Opera, MSIE 6, Mozilla, and Safari and not had any problems once I got the proper codec installed. I just put instructions into the video announcement thread. If you are getting sound but no video, it is definitely a codec problem. QuickTime cannot find the correct codec because Apple refuses to put 3ivx on the component list, and 3ivx won't let me just flag the stream as MPEG-4 which QuickTime 6 can handle.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

rollergator's avatar
The comedy for me in this is that I am not a "tech-head", meaning I stick with a *relatively reliable* IBM computer and a MSIE browser (I upgrade about 3 months after the new version comes out, that way it'll have been de-bugged with real users already). See, I understand that there are probably *better* things out there (having been compelled to use a Mac on a couple of jobs, I'm OK with it, not my fav).

I go for simplicity....which is what I love about the flying skooters. They've been around a long time, and have the *old-tyme reliability* thing down pat, yet they can STILL give a cutting-edge level of THRILLS...

Dr. Thrill IS my family practitioner
Would you just LOOK at what you've done to CoasterBuzz - you're going to have to clean it up ;)

Was just looking at HolidayWorld's site and saw the pic of Eagle's Flight....

Are those snappable? And do they let you?

Maihama, Maihama Desu

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