Police hurt in parking lot chaos at Six Flags Great Adventure

Posted | Contributed by supermandl

Following a radio station-sponsored concert, several fights and an armed robbery occured in the parking lot of Six Flags Great Adventure last Friday night. Two officers were hurt. Officials blame the problems on a four-hour traffic jam caused by road construction around the park.

Read the whole story from Asbury Park Press.

Thank You Millennium Force!!! Finally there's someone with a good mind. Some of the rest of you need some people skills, and by reading some of these comments, I would say that some of you (Dave, dcablemon, Fedrick, etc.) are a bit racist! I'm gonna leave it at that cause I don't wanna get into it with yall.

Second, the majority of rap videos on MTV are "clean" versions of the songs with little or none of the so-called 'seven dirty words'.

There are only seven? :)

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!

Jeremy you're right to say the article didn't say the concert was free, but does Great Adventure have separate admission concerts? As for people equating inner cities with thuglife it's not all true, but like with any stereotype there's bound to be some truth. I work mostly in Washington DC and I know that everyone isn't a gangsta, but there are people of color I work with who don't like certain areas of the city because of that element. Look at a city like Baltimore which I live near and not only have whites fled out of the city but also a great number of blacks who want to live in a safer environment.
Do you people really think that a rap concert has more problems then a rock concert? If you think that, you are gladly mistaken. The hardcore element of any type of music type can easily cause trouble no matter what the circumstance. Many styles of music bring out the worst in people. Stereotyping is the downfall of this world. Besides, what does a construction problem as far as exiting people have to do with a rap concert? If it was a country music event with the same crowd, the same problem would have happened.

Thank you Chitown.I remember a rock concert that took place a couple of years ago,it was actually a two day event,and there was lots of roiots,women were rape,tower speakers set on fire.
The problem wasn't the concert or for that matter even the park's fault. The sponsoring radio station had set up their broadcast equipment in the parking lot and continued to broadcast after the concert was over. When the park closed the people congregated at the radio station broadcast and from that point things degenerated.
The same thing happened in Neptune three or four years ago during an MTV event, Seaside has had problems of this type as well and even SFGADV had a similar problem when Time Warner owned the park when they had a MTV concert as well. The Asbury Park Press has always been negative on the park and will sensationalize any negative they can find.
Dave however is correct in what he says without picking on anyone just go and watch the crowd on any given operating day. After school is out why are there 30 to 40 buses in the parking lot? Simply put it is a tax write off for SFGADV they have always had the policy of charging the paying public the maximum price the market will bear and at the very same time give the park away to the animals. Those busses in the parking lot are not paying customers they are day trippers from the inner cities of NY, Philly and even as far as Boston and Baltimore. They got their tickets free, food free and transportation free and frankly don't give two rips about what they do while they are in the park because they have no vested interest.
Security will even tell people traveling with campers not to park near the buses because of the possibility of damage to them when the animals come back to go home. If you really want to see where security is check out the parking lot when those busses unload and then reload to leave.
I don't think anyone here has bashed any particular group and as I believe was said already 2% gives the whole a bad rap. The real problem is the other 98% let them get away with it. *** This post was edited by robbie on 5/1/2001. ***
Big kirby: As far as the FCC is concerned, yes, there are only seven words that are never to be broadcast over public/free airwaves. Several other what we call swear words (such as female dog, structure for holding back water, and donkey) while not fit for a conversation in church are not *banned* which is why you will hear them on shows like Law & Order, Will & Grace, Moesha, etc. And no, I'm not going to say what those words are :)

Robbie, you just made my Seriously Hinky Individual Transition list....
--an inner city product and proud of it!!!!
It's still my favorite park. No matter what anyone says or how "dangerous" it may seem. I think it has alot to do with the fact that it was my first park I went to. But, that is aweful with what happened.
See you on the Lift Hill
People you can not blam one bit on any body Six Flags is trying to put on a fun event for your enjoyment, Yes they do need to work on park security. BUT WHO DOES'NT. Every single concert not everything goes as plan.

Six Flags should not have to pay to widen the road... That the state and city's job unless they ( Six Flags ) own the land. Six Flags is not dangerous at all. Now when i go to SFMM and i see gangsters there i know they have been checked at the front gate. So i feel very confertable. HEY IT A LOT BETTER TO HAVE METAL DETECTORS THAN NONE AT ALL. Would'nt you all agree. Thugs are thugs and i wish they are not allowed in the park ( as in gangsters ) or other people who can cause harm to me or fellow park guest..
Thank you Robbie. For anyone who said I was stereotyping anyone in my posts, go read them again before jumping to conclusions. Never once did I make mention of anyone's race or ethnicity. I said "busses full of inner city youth". If anyone thinks that this dosen't happen at GA, you've never been there or aren't very observant. Robbie is also correct that these bus folks get free passes, food and a ride there, so many get the idea that it's a free for all and can do what they want reguardless of how many toes get stepped on. So I either have to pay my $75 for a season pass or the $48 admission to deal with rude inconsiderate imbeciles with absolutely no manners or consideration of others as they push me aside to cut in line while security does squat about it. I'm not making this up, I'm merely reporting as to what I see there.

As far as the music itself goes, you like what you like-whatever floats your boat. However I'd like to point out that this same radio station that sponsered the show also sponsered shows for the past three years at Continental Airlines arena(a local sports arena). They are no longer allowed to stage shows there because the last two years, there were riots, hundreds of arrests and even a few cars set on fire in the parking lot. When the firemen showed up to put the fires out, they were pelted with rocks and bottles from the crowd. Now, call me old fashioned, but this is animalistic, inconsiderate behavior. If GA was stupid enough to have a show like this knowing of numerous past problems, then they got what they deserved and hopefully won't make the same mistake in the future.

The simple solution to all of this is to do away with the freebies. If you can't pay your own way with a season pass or a daily ticket and drive yourself there, then too bad. It's a shame that the people that do pay their own way have to bend over and take it in the wallet, then can't enjoy the park because of the thoughtlessness and bad behavior of freeloaders. If GA gave up the freebies to the bussloads of vermin, the place could magically transform itself into a place where people who paid could enjoy the park, not pay for others to ruin it.
I really don't think I singled you or anyone else out in my post, but if you are part of the 98% that goes to enjoy the park and have a good time without causing problems I have no problem with that.
I am part of the 98% but don't choose to let it go by. Wrong is wrong and if the majority doesn't want to stop it then they are as much a part of the problem as the 2% that are the problem. I guess if that makes me serioulsy hinkey then I will have to live with that.
From reading your posts on this and other threads I really don't think you are the type of person we are talking about here.
No robbie, I didnt think you singled me out (not that I would really care) but it that you are still lumping these troubles on "inner-city-youth" when the fact of the matter is you dont *know* where these kids live. Sure, the article called out 3 folks from New York City, but then you lumped all the inner-city folks from NYC, Philly, B-more and Bean Town with these three kids even going as far as to de-humanize them by calling them "animals". That kind of talk pisses me off. It has been my experience that most kids I see cutting up are actually from the suburbs (and yes, I have asked!)

But if you and Dave want to go though life with the narrow view that all the "thugs" are comprised of "inner city youth", far be it from me to stop you. Do yo' thang, Mary Jane!

BTW: Maybe you all didnt intend it this way (and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt), but in everyday usage the terms "urban", "hip-hop" and "inner-city" are euphemisims for --black folk--. But I'm not trippin on that. I'm just mad that you would ill out on a whole group of folks just because of where they live.
--Tear Da Club Up!; Three Six Mafia
I truly hope i don't get stomped here but i am going to throw in my two cents.I am 29 years old so,when i was a kid half of this never happened and i'm going to put forth my theory....

For starters,we really can't blame the kids without blaming the parents and the system.With kids having major support from the system as far as what degree of discipline a parent may use without loosing their kids,a parent really is suseptible to loose control and respect from their kids.With that in mind,let's consider the divorce rate and how many kids are being raised by one parent who has to work all the time to support their kids therefore,they can't discipline them and take the time to teach them to respect other people or even other people's property because they can't be around enough.The parents who don't work and have kids to use the system in the wrong manor simply shouldn't have kids to begin with and, for that,i feel very sorry for the kids.Someone mentioned seaside and i will say,the surrounding area's of Seaside are very middle class(i live 25 minutes from seaside) but,the kids are still very disrespectful concert or big event or not so,to single out the inner city youth would be unfair.Great Adventure is not at fault,the parents who couldn't raise their kids correctly and also the system who doesn't allow a parent to use much in the way of discipline, as i mentioned are at fault.Great Adventure can boost security all they want,the vandalism will still be there,the line cutting will still be there simply because alot of people can't be bothered as far as telling security and even then,depending on the security person themselves,nothing may be done.I have said it before,there are precautions i take when i go to Great Adventure that allow me to keep myself and my kids safe.It is sad that my son has to stay in a stroller to prevent him from being trampled but,it's better then taking a chance.I agree with mostly everything everyone has said here but,let's not forget where exactly the problems originate from.

One more thing...

Someone also mentioned how the press loves to make a bad reputation for the park,i agree and what's so sad about any newspaper is,they don't realize they contribute to the violence.If kids behaving badly wasn't so publisized,the kids who do it just for attention wouldn't be doing it anymore.They say kids are influenced by music and,to some degree i believe this is true but,how come the newspapers aren't getting any blame because they are the biggest stereotypers out there and they focus on violence and corruption in the big cities more then anything else so,if anyone seems to be singling any group or type out,let's blame the newspapers because that's all they seem to want to write about these days and,you can't help but take notice to things you read about so often.

Rickyswmn, you hit it right on the head as far as I'm concerned. If you ever come SFA/PKD-side, they'll be a beer waiting with your name on it (if you dont drink, it'll be a ROOT beer ;))
No beer neccessary but,as long as your offering,i will be down at SFA the last weekend in July if you want to meet up with my husband and i :) We are going for an anniversary present to each other and my sis in law was kind enough to offer to watch my kids.I am dying to ride Batwing!I just felt i had to get the point across that all children are innocent the day they are born but,it is the parents who make them who they turn out to be. Even though there are many outside influences and,peer pressure,if parents instill the proper values and morals their kids should make the rite choices. If not,ship them to bootcamp!!! :)


Never mind, We really don't want to go there.
Does anyone know why robins been down all season what is wrong with that thing

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