Pluto goes nuts

Jeff's avatar
Then why do these kinds of things happen? Or the allegations of the character doing anything considered inappropriate when there's someone watching? It just doesn't add up exactly. If I'm a handler and you mess with my person, I'm going to have you tossed. It seems that doesn't happen.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

rollergator's avatar
The handlers clearly are NOT doing their jobs. I will say that the handlers at non-Disney parks seem to be more...visible...almost to the point of being obtrusive.

At any rate, regardless of the park, it IS the responsibility of the handler to make sure their character (person in costume and unable to defend themselves) is free from the kind of mistreatment that leads to these situations. Wasn't it only about a month ago when a family made some claims about inappropriate character behavior...only to have video evidence showing that the family was instigating?

Always is quite a strong word. I'd like to think there is always supposed to be a handler, but in some cases, they are preoccupied or just not doing their job. When you're talking about people doing their job, there's never anything that's fail safe.
We don't know what happened so we don't know if it was the handler's fault or not. Maybe it was a group of kids and he was off chasing the other ones, or maybe something happened to the handler, or maybe Pluto went nuts too fast before the handler had a chance to do his job.
The thing with sharing (or posting) videos, is the person filming or showing it gets to decide how much they want to show, where to start, etc. Video doesn't lie, but it doesn't necessarily tell the whole story either.
Now Goofy I could understand... but Pluto?

He's such a good dog. Guess they'll have to put him down now. (sigh)

*** Edited 9/18/2007 6:14:22 PM UTC by SLFAKE***

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Okay, so we've had Tigger go insane, Goofy get arrested, and now Pluto going bezerk.

What next? Donald Duck arrested of indecent exposue (no pants!)?

Who's next? Chip & Dale for sex in a bathroom stall?

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

rollergator's avatar

Hopman said:p>Who's next? Chip & Dale for sex in a bathroom stall?

Larry Craig character costume... ;)

^^Wasn't there a vid of Chip and Dale on youtube doing the mystic wingo?

No wait, that was Mickey and Goofy.
my bad, sorry.
;) *** Edited 9/18/2007 6:52:14 PM UTC by FLYINGSCOOTER***

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


You know, we never do see what makes Pluto chase the kid. With the exception of the woman grabbing him nothing really looks like a serious incident. He looks to be playing with the kid, chasing him. Then he looks like he's acting when he throws up his arms to "surrender". You would think that if something really bad had happened and he had already broken character that he wouldn't think twice about jumping back in that woman's face.
I watched it again and it's still funny. But seriously, what did Pluto expect to do if he finally caught the kid? I wonder what was going through his mind?

I have no idea what the kid did, but I'm sure it was pretty crappy. Too bad that we have to depend on theme park mascots to reprimand children because their parents can't teach them an ounce of discipline.

rollergator's avatar
^Why am I envisioning a "Supernanny vs. Pluto" competition to see who can make the kids behave? Would that be televised on network TV, Bravo, Spike, or Discovery? :)

rollergator said:
^Would that be televised on network TV, Bravo, Spike, or Discovery?

How about ESPN as one of ther "Friday Night Fights?"

As for Pluto, could he be part pitbull?

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

The Mole's avatar

Jeff said:
Then why do these kinds of things happen? Or the allegations of the character doing anything considered inappropriate when there's someone watching? It just doesn't add up exactly. If I'm a handler and you mess with my person, I'm going to have you tossed. It seems that doesn't happen.

I TOTALLY agree in everything you said. 100%. But handlers are glorified photo takers, that's all. Only CMs who can kick guests out of the park is Disney "security". If a character is harassed the only thing the character can do is take it (no joke, I know someone who was assaulted in a costume and was fired for trying to defend himself), and the handler can get the character out of there. I really do think Disney should put security with all characters now, both to deter punks and to add a layer of security when another "Tigger groped me!" allegation comes out.

I don't think Pluto intended to catch the kid. I know those costumes aren't exactly lightweight, but it still doesn't appear that he's running as fast as he could.

Each time I watch the video, the mother (grandmother?, er, woman?) who accosts Pluto annoys me more and more. Again, we don't see the beginning of the episode, but I can just imagine her egging the kid on, thinking he's so cute and funny with whatever he was doing.

I guess increased admission brings an increase in expectations of what guests think they're entitled to do.

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