Playland Park Mouse Relocated to Funtown Pier

I wanted to post this seperately from the incident at Funtown Pier as this was a very happy surprise that was interrupted.

I was talking to the Pier Ops Manager about the Mouse Coaster they were installing for this season, they purchased this from Playland Park in Ocean City, NJ. This Mouse is a personal favorite as it has the old torpedo type cars. The only thing I did not like about it was the pink track that it had at Ocean City. Track that was visible showed only galvanized steel, which is what the track will look like. It will be installed between the Pinfari Looper (which was never for sale but too long a story to explain) and the Family Coaster.

Between Funtown Pier in Seaside Park and Casino Pier in Seaside Heights, well a feeling of the old Seaside experience is starting to rekindle. If you go online this week and expect to hit the Jersey Shore, you can still order ride tickets for half price until Friday. Otherwise, your going to be paying Shore prices during the summer. To purchase tickets:

Casino Pier has ended their sale. You can order your tickets at full price at a later date at:

*** Edited 3/30/2005 4:15:15 AM UTC by chillforce5X*** *** Edited 3/30/2005 4:16:08 AM UTC by chillforce5X***

An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

Wow, great news! That is an old Miler mouse, almost (if not completely) identical to the fantastic Tree Top Racers at Adventure City down the road from Knott's. I rode it last year and while it needed work, it was a neat little ride... I'm glad to see it not only living on, but living on in NJ. The Jersey Shore has lost too many small steel coasters these past few years.

Any word on what's replacing the mouse at Playland?

Wow, I had no idea that the mouse had left Playland. I had heard talk of it leaving the park but never knew if it had actually gone through or not. I haven't had a chance to ride it yet so I'm glad it's sticking around on the Jersey Shore.:)
I had heard it was leaving... that's why I made a point to get to OC NJ and ride it this past summer.

Had no idea that it was being relocated to another part of the NJ shore though.

Rode it twice last August. Second ride was kind of scary. The car had a lot of movement side to side, almost like its upstops were about 5 inches wider than the thickness of the track.

I've experienced the same thing on some of the older mouse coasters (most notably on Wild Chipmunk @ Lakeside and the Wild Mouse @ Playland). Definitley helped with my enjoyment of the ride. Not so for my wife however, who loves to get scared on the hairpins of mouse coasters and was even more freaked out by the feeling of the car seemingly about to come off the track.
So now Casino Pier and Funtown Pier both have semi-old style mouses? Should be some entertainment when i go down over the summer, that is if I don't go to Otakon instead...
Funtown will have an old Miler mouse, Casino Pier will have a new Miler mouse. Interesting.
Yes, Rob, but Casino Pier has the Miler Star Jet and Funtown has the Miler Family Coaster. Can we say Seaside Park and Heights are the Miler capital of the world? :P


An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

I never thought of that!
the Jet Star was better than the Star Jet :(
rollergator's avatar
LOL, well, when you're replacing an Anton it's hard to *improve*. But the Miler coasters are LOTS of fun. The Star Jet looks CRAZY with the long stretch of *unsupported track*...:)

Tree Tops was da bomb diggity, so if this is the same thing I'll be happy to take a lap...or two...;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

The Star Jet is definitely no Jet Star. But in the coaster's defense, I liked it a lot more last year than I did when I rode it in 2003. That long stretch of unsupported track is very freaky and there are some surprising moments of airtime. The Star Jet would be a lot better if it didn't replace the Jet Star, if you know what I mean.
There is no comparison between the Jet Star and the Star Jet. As Rob said, you can't compare an Antone coaster to many, it just would not be fair.

The only thing I did not like was that the Jet Star was just trashed. At least the track, we are not positive about the trains.


An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

At least, SF could have picked up the cars from Jet Star and send them up to Great Escape to use on Nightmare. They only have 4 cars left for Nightmare!

Well, Bill actually said that nothing could replace one of Anton's coasters, I simply agreed with him. I know, details, details...

From what I heard, the coaster was in pretty sad shape. I guess that was to be expected since the coaster was exposed to the salt air for three decades or so? Does anyone know the history of that ride? Did it begin life on Casino Pier or did it come from somewhere else?

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