Believing no changes should be made in a township ordinance until the future of Conneaut Lake Park is determined, Crawford County Planning Commission on Wednesday rejected a proposal submitted by Summit supervisors to change its zoning ordinance to allow 10 condominiums be built on an acre of land in the township instead of the current maximum of six units. The proposal now goes to supervisors for consideration. The commission’s recommendation isn’t binding and supervisors can accept or reject it. A portion of the Conneaut Lake property is for sale, but the sale is contingent on the rezoning.
Read more from The Meadville Tribune.
There still may be no future with the sale, but reducing their crippling debt may have given it a fighting chance. Of course, it will never get out of the funk with the court running it instead of an invested business person.
*** This post was edited by PerrysburgGuy 3/30/2007 8:28:19 AM ***
I can't say that for certain. I have no access to the books but the Vollenteers and general improvements over the last couple years lead me to believe there is a chance.
Chuck, who will never say just close the damn place already if there is a chance.
Whether rejecting the proposal was a good decision or not is an opinion, but the bottom like is that the system WORKED. If Conneaut can't make their own money, then the planning commission shouldn't be forced to go against what they feel is in the best interest in the community to give them cash.
You people can yell and scream all you want, but one day you'll realize that your sentimental feelings for the park are clouding your common sense. Conneaut Lake loses money every year. Its time has passed--with the advent of superhighways and cheap airfare, people don't drive to the lake anymore for vacation, and certainly aren't going to drive 1.5 hours into the middle of nowhere for such a small park. Conneaut served the lake like Trimper's rides serves Ocean City MD--people will visit as something additional to do, but they wouldn't make a special trip up just to visit the park. The only way for out of the way parks to be successful is to offer a ton of attractive things to do, and Conneaut doesn't have that, nor does it have the money to do so. I just don't see how it can become a viable business again.
People pulled this whining routine when the casino board didn't give the Pittsburgh license to the company that would build a free arena. Let's grow up, people... the planning commission and local government are there to serve in the best interest in the community, and making decisions against their judgment just to help a business with no future is not in the interest in the community.
I've got plenty of CLP memories, just as I do of Euclid and Chippewa beaches. My kids have memories of it, as we vaca'd there many times. If it dies, we'll miss it.
The last ten years for that place has been nothing but one struggle after the next. I hope it opens, but won't be surprised if it doesn't.
As least Waldameer won its zoning battles to build that new coaster planned for 2008.
IMHO the Zoning around there is F**D Up the other side of the lake is all condos and half million dollar homes.
*** This post was edited by PhantomTails 3/30/2007 6:24:23 PM ***
Chuck, who wonders if thats the condition of the sale. They'd buy if they could build ten but not 6.
Yes, that's exactly one of the four conditions of the sale happening. If they're not allowed to build 10, they won't buy.
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