Shivering Tim, I think the third one you mentioned is in Six Flags Adventure. It's called Two-Face: The Flip Side. SFO only has a regular boomerang called Mind Bender or Mind Eraser.


The other invertigo in the usa in at SFAmerica(Two Face). There is also one in Holland.
Six Flags America IS a Six Flags park!
ShiveringTim's avatar
I meant Six Flags America. That's the second mistake I made in posts today. Boy, do I need sleep :) I completely forgot about the original in Holland.

Scott W. Short
I Will always stand by my park and I won't let anyone say that Face/Off isn't an intence ride.... If you sit in the first car facing Drop Zone, at the end of the ride when you fly back through the Station you'll fell some Kicking G's.... I have never felt anything like that before!! That is what puts Face/Off at number one for steel coaster on my list... But not beating Beast for all time Ride.... ANd NO I haven't been to anyother parks... I grew up in Kings' Island... that is why I said it was my park... for that is the one I have know all my life... I will wait any amount of time to ride any of those rides... for I am a true diehard coaster fan.... It is sad that you guy won't waite long for a good ride!

Sousa129 :)

Laser Quest member:
LuvRaptor's avatar

I finally had the "thrill" (ho hum) of waiting in line to ride Face Off a few weeks ago (drove ALL the way to PKI JUST to ride SOB and guess what?)
enuf said
The ride ops at PKI are walking zombies
No personalities
No comments
After waiting over an hour I got my ride on Face Off-it sucked. Boring-stupid and what a waste of an hour wait time-I would have much prefered riding Vortex like 5x or even OLFOF which I cant stand either but no way the wait for that thing is less than an hour. I grew up on PKI too-then 4 years ago I "matured" to CP-my latest experience with PKI showed me again why despite the 54 minute one way trip there (compared to the 2.75 hour one way to CP) I would rather go to CP.
Sousa-if you are a true diehard coaster fan-
go to CP
ride TRUE coasters-
then you can call yourself a true diehard coaster fan. PKI is still a lovely park-
but that is about it, no way I left there as pumped as I do CP and ready to go back again.

As for the original topic of this thread (sorry!)
PKI waited how long before updating their site?
They need to get a clue

total life time: 258
2000 laps (so far!) 1

Millennium Force:
2000 laps (so far!) 39

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight?
OK, then die young and hard. If you don't 'want' to ride other coasters and travel to new and exciting places, then leave the "diehard" attitude in the sewer, kay champ?!?! YES, I completely understand that PKI IS your home park. I'm very fortunate to say that CP is mine, but CP is not the end all of parks. God, I cannot sleep before I go there, but it IS NOT heaven. BGW, SFMM are also GREAT, GREAT parks with great rides, IOA, I heard is outstanding, too. I will save $$$ and spend $$$ to go there, heck I'm making a 4 day trip to Hershey and Kennywood this summer. With that said, why would I want to go to Hershey and Kennywood, when they don't have a Giga coaster?? Because of excitement of new experiences. You said that Face Off is tops in your list of coasters, well let's read that list. Yep, uh huh, good...12 coasters. 7 or 8 steel coasters....ALL at the same park. Let's all come together to help sousa upgrade his list....I am offering a ticket with your name on it, IF you provide transportation to CP!! If you say that you have never been there before, then we need to aid this young man, don't we LuvRaptor?!?! And BTW, Face Off isn't even in my top TWENTY, so give it a rest. It's good, but not even close to great!! When you finish with the Raptor in the BACK seat, you're pride won't let you say that it IS the best ride in Ohio, but when you look in the mirror, you know it's true.
God, I'm cynical...(substitute Dr. Evil laugh here!!)
Lots of love Sousa, but explore the opportunities, the possibilties...The Future is Riding on IT!!!!!

There's nothing like a woodie...
Let a man have his opinion. I happen to agree that Face/Off is a very good coaster. Not worth the wait, but a very good coaster. I know that people are dedicated to their home parks, but nobody with any real love for coasters would say that PKI has no "TRUE" coasters. The Beast, The Racers, Vortex... these are still classics even if they are a little older than what some would like. And yes I've ridden both MF and SOB and SOB is (Hope this doesn't offend anyone) BETTER. I wish people would stop constantly degrading another park just because of their personal biases. I love Cedar Point. I love PKI. I even love Disney World (Sue me). Have your disagreements, but there is no reason to kill another person's personal opinions just because you want to be right. Just because a coaster isn't in your top 20, doesn't mean it shouldn't be someone else's number 1. I live and breathe thrillrides, and it makes me laugh to sit and watch people degrade another person because they happen to like 5g's going both ways. So to a couple of you on this post who think you're experts, I'll quote you...

"Give it a rest." "Period."
Thanks Coaster.... And as for all you guys that think CP is the greast park in the world... well give me a chance to get up there... I just got my licenes last year and I haven't had the time or mony to get up there...

Woody... your on... I'll even meet you up there and you can make sure I go if you want to! I'll tell you thouhg I am up for any ride they through at me!... BTW I have always wanted to ride RAPTOR, MF, and Magum!
But Be aware I will never talk bad about a park as stated by ACE and I Believe in that!

You give me some dates that suite you and I'll be there.... sometime between my month trip and Marching Band... So mid July
Sousa129 :)

Laser Quest member:
Wow, everyones fired up and I had nothin to do with it. I must be losing my touch.

And for the Woodster, Raptor is not even in my top 20, but then neither is Face/Off. One thing I will say is the ride is better than the movie.

Oh, the PKI site is not that great even with it being new. I think most AP sites are lame anyways.

Quote of the day
"CP is the greast park in the world" - Sousa129

"May the Force be with you"
OK, I'll admit, I got a little fired up. First, because I don't know the man's age, and second, please don't call yourself a die hard, when you've only been to ONE park.

Second: Hey buddy...yeah you, coaster. Did you happen to read what he wrote before you gave me the ol' "let the man have his opinion" stuff? Ok, let's talk about this for a minute. If we all agree to keep this clean, then we are ALL fair game for disagreements, correct?? If not, then the world IS one big happy amusement park, isn't it, coaster? Disagreements happen daily on this web site. Gees, Jeff bit off some guys head in the suggestion buzz for cryin' out loud. I think it's great! It makes me want to read about your opinion, if I disagree, then you have to take the rebuttle in stride and move on...JUST LIKE SOUSA did, like a young man. Nice job, Sousa!!
Coaster, you might as well sue me, too. I love Disney, and PKI and SFMM...etc, but I'm still mift that SOB, which may very well be a GREAT woodie, created a ton of horrible PR for itself. The reason I'm ticked, is that PKI has done this before. They did this because of the rush they were in to beat MF. PKI is a great park and I hope they make the necessary changes to take care of it. I'm not slamming Sousa for the love of his park, I'm slamming him for not experiencing what is out there...(until I realized he is 16 and just got his liscence). Sorry, Dude =(.
Another question:
Then why is Face Off not worth the wait?? It is a 'good' coaster, but it IS comparable to many. Lists and all of that other garbage aside...I'll take Raptor, Alpengeist, & Montu (Plus, 15 others) over Face Off. BTW, who said anything about PKI not having "TRUE" coasters?? The Beast is my favorite woodie. The Racer and Vortex are great rides. Who said anything about non-TRUE??

Sousa: We'll be in touch. One Funday ticket to Sousa, coming up! You're the man, for sticking it out, you could have done it without help, tho最栀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀刀攀瘀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀愀爀礀㨀  匀琀愀礀 漀甀琀 漀昀 琀栀椀猀Ⰰ 瀀氀攀愀猀攀⸀  夀漀甀 欀渀漀眀 琀栀攀 瀀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀 昀攀攀氀椀渀最猀 䤀 栀愀瘀攀 昀漀爀 礀漀甀爀 眀椀琀 愀渀搀 礀漀甀 眀漀甀氀搀 栀愀瘀攀 愀搀搀攀搀 最愀猀漀氀椀渀攀⸀⸀⸀ 攀爀爀爀爀⸀⸀⸀ 唀爀愀渀椀甀洀 琀漀 琀栀攀 昀椀爀攀℀℀  䐀伀一✀吀 眀漀爀爀礀Ⰰ 礀漀甀 栀愀瘀攀 渀漀琀 氀漀猀琀 礀漀甀爀 琀漀甀挀栀Ⰰ 琀爀甀猀琀 洀攀 㴀⤀⸀  䈀吀圀Ⰰ 眀栀攀渀 愀爀攀 礀漀甀 洀愀欀椀渀最 礀漀甀爀 琀爀椀瀀 琀漀 伀栀椀漀㼀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ㰀戀爀㸀਀吀栀攀爀攀✀猀 渀漀琀栀椀渀最 氀椀欀攀 愀 眀漀漀搀椀攀⸀⸀⸀
Now, Mr. Coaster, I rest. PERIOD.

There's nothing like a woodie...
Jeff's avatar
Warning: When you start getting personal and start name calling, you're walking on thin ice around here. State your opinion, fine, but if you want to call people names do it on someone else's board. Bandwidth is too precious (and expensive) to waste it on downloading playground arguments.

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