PKI question from 1994-95

I visited PKI in 1994 or 95 with a group of college friends and remember riding a ride that had rider controlled cars that you could turn upside down. Best I remember, it was some type of a flat. The last few trips I have made to PKI have been with the family and we were more interested in the kiddy rides, so I had forgotten all about this ride until I ran into one of the old gang this weekend. Can anyone help me remember what it was and what happened to it? (I also remember that we spent alot of time at a bar right up the road from the park when we made this trip, so I may only think that we could turn the thing upside down)

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!
Flight Commander - Removed in 96 *** Edited 8/15/2005 6:13:43 PM UTC by coasterfanatic***

john peck's avatar
Did FC ever get sold to another park or did it just get scrapped?

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