PKI, PKD, PC, and SFG tips needed

Hello all.

May make a big coaster trip next summer, beginning in Atlanta, then north to PKI, then east to to PKD, and south to PC before heading home to S FLA.

Anybody got some "beat the crowd" tips during different periods of the day.

I guess July up there is high season, while it's low season in Orlando, so your crowds are probably bigger then.

Anyway, here's my tips--applicable in June, anyway, gathered from a 10 day trip to IOA, US, SWO, and BGTB last summer:

IOA: First thing in the morning, haul your booty to the back and you'll walk on over and over at Dragons--they open the "secret doors" inside the castle, so you don't hafta walk 6 miles out to get back in. And you still get the thrill of walking that terrific queue in the castle, never mind the thrill of 10 straight Dragon rides! Come out and turn right to Jurassic..easy line in before noon. Come out, right again to ripsaw.

IOA: Ripsaw falls busy in midday, but the line moves steadily and the queue is hilarious. never mind you need a good soakin in the 4,000 degree Orlando summer!

Superman: always lengthy, so have a good lunch around 1:00 or so, then spend the 45 minutes walking through the queue--it's another blast anyway, and the line is always that long, so yer killin, 2 birds!

Come out, right again to Hulk. We rode it everyday--around 2 P.M., and kept "walking on" with a 10 minute wait at most. Great.

Thus, IOA is relatively simple in June--go to the back first!!!! Then come forward. You'll invert and launch until you spew! What a country.

SWO: Same rules to ride Kraken: walk quickly to the back and get on! My wife and I copped 8 straight rides with no more than a 5 minute wait each morning! We found Kraken a little slow, but then we discovered the BACK CAR, either row! It cranks. I think, because it was brand new, and all eyes were watching, they hadn't "let it out" yet.

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