PKI for 2001.....

Hello All...
While i was searching the Ultimate Roller coaster forums, I found out that most of the talk was about the confirmed 2001 attractions at PKI. They are as follows (from the season pass newsletter):

Rugrats Fans- Take To The Air!
Come fly on the first inverted family coaster in the world! Kids and brave adults will soar through TWISTS and turns at speeds reaching 35 M.P.H.

Wild Thornberrys Make A Big Splash!
Journey through the untamed jungle with the most adventurous family of all-The Wild Thornberrys. The sights and sounds of the jungle await you on a thrilling trek the whole family with enjoy.

The 7th Portal
Riders will be a part of the hottest webstrip to hit the net. From Stan Lee, the legendary co-creator of Spider-Man, X-Men and the Incredible Hulk comes an all new 3-D ride simulator adventure in the Paramount F/X Action Theatre.
Log on and hang on!

Does that family inverted sound like an ArrowBATic? Also, how come no one on here is talking about it??????

If Rugrats is an Arrowbatic it sure would make a lot of sense with that announcement that they've got posted on their website.

PKI is one of the parks I'm hitting on my senior trip, and I'm pumped with what's to come so far.

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it
Well I've got a season pass but didn't get a news letter about 2001 attractions,but I did get one for their Fearfest.
It's funny but the peeps that I know who do have a season pass are saying the same thing and they're all from about 5 different states.
I guess we're all just waiting for the official announcement.
ShiveringTim's avatar
Hmmm...this is very interesting. I'm really surprised that they're going with another inverted/suspended coaster (Top Gun, Face/Off, Ghoster Coaster).

The new water ride, however, was a leading contender regarding the rumors. No big surprise there.

Also look for a whole new Nickelodeon area (as mentioned on the banner on the outside of the Main Gate) to tie these new attractions together.

Scott W. Short
With PKI's new family inverted coaster, will this make them the park with the most hanging coasters in the world? That would be Top Gun, Scooby's Ghoaster Coaster, Face/Off, and the new coaster. I was just wondering.


Can you take me higher? (CREED)
I somehow doubt the new inverted will be an Arrowbatic. I am thinking Vekoma family ride instead, like the Silver Streak at the other Paramount park (Wonderland or Carowinds, forget which is getting it).
It's Wonderland, Chris.


Can you take me higher? (CREED) *** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 10/6/2000. ***
that inverted must be a swing thing, otherwise it wouldnt be rugrats themed
Humm... I think it is rather ironic to see these rumors pop up about an ArrowBATic coaster. The reason? Well, just look at the name ArrowBATic.. Do you see the Bat part of it? The Bat used to reside at PKI. Maybe that could be a tiny clue of whats to come? Anyway, PKI plans on announcing what they are getting during mid November, and I remember some one saying that they saw something about Arrow announcing something on the 13th of November. All this comes together in a way, well I think so. Just a few thoughts of what I think.. Later. :)

~Thomas Quinn
Shivering Tim:
I forgot to mention that the new themed area will be nickelodeon central.

Also i think that it will be an ArrowBATic because of how it all ties together, PKI will make their announcement in mid-november, Arrows website says something about November 13 (as mentioned above). I just think that it all makes perfect sense.

Also, Silver Streak at PCW will be different from this. Silver Streak will be the worlds largest family SUSPENDED whereas PKI's will be the worlds first family INVERTED....



*** This post was edited by PKI_is_the_best on 10/6/2000. *** *** This post was edited by PKI_is_the_best on 10/6/2000. ***
An ArrowBATic does make sense, with the recent coincidences with Arrow, but also the IAAPA show will be held around then and Arrow could just be gearing up for that. I don't know, I guess only time will tell.
Another reason why I think PKI will get the ArrowBATic coaster is, PKI always seems to go for something unique every time they get a new coaster. They also like to get the "new stuff", like rides that are first of a kind. A good number of the coasters (plus Drop Zone) at KI had something unique with them when they first opened or they still posses that record today. My examples: First, The Racers~ These two mirrow imaged roller coasters brought back the wooden coaster from its "depression". The Beast~ Well, of course many of you know that when it opened it was the Tallest, Fastest, and Longest coaster (or maybe just wooden coaster?) in the world. The Bat~ The World's first suspended, but unsuccessful coaster. King Cobra~ I'm not sure if it was the first stand-up in the world, but I know it was the first in North America. Screamin' Demon~ I think, I'm pretty sure this was Arrow's first public shuttle. Vortex~ When it opened it was the tallest, fastest, and held the record for the most inversions. Outer Limits: Flight of Fear~ The world's first coaster to utilize the LIM system. Scooby Doo's Ghoster Coaster: Was the first suspended coaster for the kids. (not totally sure on that one.). Face-off~ The Midwest's first 5G face to face, inverted coaster, and only the third inverted boomerang in the world. Drop Zone~ The World's Tallest Gyro Drop. Son of Beast~ Well, enough said there. So do you see a trend at all? PKI always has been a place that wants special, crowd attracting rides that you can't find at any other park for a time. An ArrowBATic coaster fits almost perfectly into that trend that I see. PKI-IS-THE-BEST, wrote that he saw something about the 2001 confirmed attractions on the URC Boards. He wrote that he read something about the new coaster, and that it would be "the world's first family inverted coaster" again ArrowBATic fits in perfectly there. PCW's soon to come Silver Streak is the world's first suspended coaster. Nickolden's Flying Super Saturator d攀猀渀✀琀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 昀椀琀 椀渀 栀攀爀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 䤀 樀甀猀琀 挀漀甀氀搀渀✀琀 椀洀愀最椀渀攀 猀攀攀椀渀最 漀渀攀 漀昀 琀栀漀猀攀 愀琀 倀䬀䤀⸀ 䄀渀礀眀愀礀Ⰰ 愀渀礀漀渀攀 愀最爀攀攀 眀椀琀栀 洀攀㼀 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀   縀吀栀漀洀愀猀 儀甀椀渀渀
There are 2 types of ArrowBATic's and if this is for a kids section it will be the family version, that one goes 34mph the extreme version goes 59mph. william
Supermandl, I'm assuming that if the Rugrats coaster is an arrowbatic it would be the 34 mph one.

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it
I wonder if inversons can even be dond at only 35 mph. has any other coaster ever gon 35 mph. an done an inversion?

Cause I am whatever you say I am if I wasn't then why would I say I am.
The Season Pass holder newsletter says that the Rugrats coaster will go about 35 mph. The ArrowBATic is starting to look even more promising.
I would be all for this except for only one reason... I really want PKI to have the EXTREME version of the ArrowBATic. If they do get the family version, then that makes the bigger one less likely for the future. As well, PKI has always needed a multi-train inverted coaster such as Montu, Raptor, and such. The more we see the smaller versions, the less likely it is that we will ever see a full scale invert, unless you count the rumored flying-dutchman in 2002.

But I would definitely love to see PKI get any new coaster, big or small. It's great that this is a park that caters to all levels of thrill seekers.
ShiveringTim's avatar
To answer son of beast's question, yes, a lot of coasters take inversions at 35mph. I think your standard Arrow corkscrew is taken at around 30-35mph.

Scott W. Short

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