PKI Final Saturday 11/2/02

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Well, I had to go back again for the last time. On the way of my 2 hour drive from Muncie, Indiana I grabbed my scream mask(:)),camera, and a 2 liter mountain dew. When i pulled up with my uncle and flashed the parking pass we were in. We got in just as Son of Beast was opening for the day. After about a 45 minute wait due to 1 train, I rode the Son for the 53rd time of the season and for the last time. Next stop was the 18th ride of the season on Drop Zone,which would also be my last. Roundind out of Action Zone we stopped by A/E for a quick spin and as I returned to the station with my scream mask on, it got a few laughs out of the kids. We caught a ride on The Racer Forwards but none on backwards because it was closed for my second straight visit. Flight of Fear was next on the list, but didnt get in line because of an hour wait. I hit Vortex afterwards and had a great on ride photo with many laughs from everyone looking on. It was awesome. Next i rode the eagles 3 straight times with super snappage and some great gusts of wind. Grabbed oa slice of my favorite pizza in the world, and hopped in line for my first spin of the day on The Beast. After a 30 minute wait due to 2 train operation we were on and off in 5 minutes with a short conversation with my friend Matt who operates the beast and the eagles. After walking all the way back to the festhaus for a warm meal, at about 5:30 we began heading back to The Eagles and The Beast. After 2 more rides on the Eagles, I said goodbye for the season. Then on to Dad, the second ride of the day was pitch black at 6:30. Awesome. Got off sprinted around and waited for the last train of the day. It was great and with my lime green scream mask glowing in the tunnels I hasd a great time. I thank PKI with a great season. Totals

9 Visits 76 Beast Rides 53 SOB Rides 18 Drop Zone Rides 35 Flying Eagles Rides

u can rest when is time to do to bed..... peace

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