PKI Dry Run Day Report

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Ok, today was Dry Run day at PKI. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's sorta likea dress rehersal so employees can learn the ropes in real situations. I just happen to have a gaggle of friends working there this summer, so I got tickets.
Only 2 roller coasters were running today: Flight of Fear and The Beast. It was 38 degrees outside, and for some reason they didn't open the rest of the park (including Paramount Action Zone). While I was in line for FOF, I talked to a few people who have heard rumors about PKI's supposed next ride. The guy said that he heard that they would be building a Stealth coaster, but to do it they'd have to get rid of the Antique Cars. Right down the path from that is Kenton Cove Keelboat Canal, which is probably running it's last season at the park. The lake nearby the cars would also be used in the ride, having some of it over the lake.
This source also reinforced some of my thinkings about The King Cobra's possible departure in the near future. If you look at where the footers were placed, you will see that they have completely sunken into the ground. To save the ride, they would have to take the ride apart, replace the footers, and rebuild the coaster ($). Remember, these are rumors.
Other than that, the day wasn't too productive. I got to see SOB from inside the park, which I've been aching to do for a while. It is really cool, and from the top of the Beast's second lift hill you get a pretty clear profile view of SOB. What's really cool is that I finally got to see the loop, which is pretty big to be honest. A lot bigger than it looks like in construction photos.
Well, all pretty nice in general at the park, no big improvements or anything. They've added some sculptures and things over in Coney Mall, but that's about it. So, since that's about it, I'm out! Don't forget season pass holders, there's now a Water Works entrance from the parking lot and ride time on SOB, the other rides in the Paramoun 䄀挀琀椀漀渀 娀漀渀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 吀栀攀 䈀攀愀猀琀 漀渀 䄀瀀爀甀氀 ㈀㘀 愀渀搀 ㈀㜀⸀ 䈀䔀 吀䠀䔀刀䔀℀℀℀
Jeff's avatar
Good report... doesn't sound like much of a "dry run" with so much closed!

Webmaster/Admin -
With this freak winter weather we all had it probably wasnt that exciting. Oh well , thats the price you pay when you live in the north.
ShiveringTim's avatar
It's not ride time on SOB for pass holders. If you're a pass holder you get to enter the queue earlier than the rest of the GP. Basically, it's the same BUT NOT THE SAME as the ACE walkback.

Scott W. Short
I hate to tell you this, but it is only for Season Pass holders. The park is only open on weekends starting on April 14, this coming weekend. They start daily operation later on this month. The 26th and 27th are on Wednesday and Thursday. The park is open from 5 to 10, only in the Action Zone, Beast, Beastie (not sure), and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster.
ShiveringTim's avatar
Correct. On top of the two nights, the park is also allowing season pass holders to enter the SOB queue line earlier than 10am each operating day. I'm not 100% sure about the details on this, but I do know that something like that will happen.

Scott W. Short

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