PKI april 19

Associated parks:

Faceoff- 25 minutes- still love this ride

Delirium- 30 minutes due to break down, 15 minutes the rest of the day- I cant get enough of this ride

Racer- Normal short lines, great air (backwards)

Vortex- walk on all day, a lot smoother

Beast walk on all day, much improved from last year ecpecially in the back.

Tomb Raider walk on, still lame ending but fun ride

We also rode Scooby Doo which is fun but i think my gun was broke so i only got 240. 15 minute line, just outside building.

Fof's line was outside the building so we didn't ride. My friend waited an hour for SOB so we didnt ride that, didnt want to walk to top gun and drop zone was 30 minutes

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