PKI 8/6/02

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This is the second time i have been to PKI, the first being in 2000 the year Son of Beast opened as part of a ace event.It was also nice to enter a park without having to go thru a metal detector, apparently some parks still trust their guests!!

Im not gonna rate all the rides as that is done often but will give my perspective on the park and in sime ways compare it to SF parks. First off it is a great park that i would love to have as my home park!!! My home park is sfgam. We got their about 845am and were let in the park at 900am. It was nice to see all the stores and most restaurants open in the front of the park.. I found their selection of coaster souvneirs to be excellant as well as kid items(SF parks pale in comparsion). We did the ace walkback to Tomb Raider. As a aside it was nice to see several different areas for people to wait for the park to open which is better than having everybody backed up in one or two area's. As for TR i thought the themeing was good and the ride was very good. The only bad thing was that according to some regulars/employyee's the catwalk lights were left on which detracted from the ride and it is better in darkness. I didnt get a chance to ride again as the lines were too long!! Wish i could have!! Rode the Son of Beast several times in the front and thought the ride was alot samoother than the last time i rode it and loved the ride!!! The Beast seemed faster this year and we rode the second to last ride of the day and it was great at night!! Also FOF was great without the otsr's, we rode it 3 times in a row in the morning but the lines were longer later in the day. Ther longest i waited for a ride was 35 minutes for Son of Beast mid-day.

The kids loved the kid areas of the park!! Their is alot for the kids to do which isnt the case at most amusement parks. The waterpark was also very nice and not busy do to cooler weather.

Overall we had a great time and love the park!!! The park was very clean and the employee's were friendly and hard working. The nighttime crew on the Beast were great!! The only negative for the park is the lack of any excellant steel coasters. It was also very nice that people werent rushed out of the park at closing like i see so often. We left the park at 1045pm and saw the stores and food places in the fron all open and doing a very good business with people sitting down and eating their food without being rushed out of the place.Again it was a excellant time and i wisht the management of my home park would see how this park treats season passholdersand have the front of park be so guest freindely.

Sounds like PKI is a nice park. I'm going there next spring.


I would highly recomend the park to anybody. My only regret is not having 2 days to enjoy the park more!!!
Must of not been there long but you rode several rides a lot, glad you had fun! It would be great if PKI decided to add a big attraction for next year in addition to the Ghostblasters.

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

I was their for one day from the ace walkback to TR to the second to last ride on the Beast. I dont ride flat rides and mainly wanted to ride the coasters that are unique or my smaller kids can ride. We also rode Racer/MineRide/Vortex/Drop Zone as well as spent several hours in the water park and just enjoyed being in the park. Its is a great park and i had a great time and cant wait to come back!!!


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