PKI 7-20 a 2 hour visit with my mother.

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Theres a bit of a Prereq with this because 2 hours in a park with my mother is a feat due to a condition she has that causes her to get sick VERY quickly and have both her legs to go numb. Shes a stubborn woman who refuses a wheelchair. Her condition also messes with her depth persecption(Sp) and she has problems with things that spin.

Last time we were here she got her pass done and left that was the day gold pass ended. Last time she actually walked around was 1975.

We arrived around 6:30 and started out in Action zone. She said rides were too intense she didn't want to ride em. We walked all the way to Rivertown before she said "Patrick Lets go ride White Water canyon". I warned my mom that it’s quite a walk and she has problems with feeling in her legs. I urged her to get a disabled handbook thingy so she wouldn't have to navigate the stairs. She said she was already there and just walked it slowly. This started to look like a VERY BAD IDEA but she made it. We got right on no wait. She had of coruse never ridden this ride. I warned her. My mom hates big rides but she loved the ride. We were both drenched. We got stopped in by the gate at tower 1 because we were going pretty dang fast.

Needless to say she loved the ride she wanted to reride but didn't want to navigate the stairs again. We went to the train station. She had only seen water works from the employee lot. The guy doing speeches on the train was very VERY energetic and was fun. Plus we saw 2 groundhogs and they are just cool!

After that was over we went though Nick Central and HB. We were going to ride Scooby but she said lets go (she was having problems walking) we went the long way around International street. She started feeling better. She asked if the tower was open. I warned her that they don’t use 2 sections and you have to be at the top. She was scared but okay with it. I applaud it cause she HATES heights. She got a lovely view asking me "Patrick what’s that?" as my knowledge of PKI came into handy. She said she wants to visit waterworks next time she comes. We then got off. She was feeling okay. She asked me to show her the flyers.

Well I showed her. Wasn’t a great ride but I was the only one getting trees. She yelled at me for a few mins about how I am going to kill myself then she asked how I did it and she wants to try to ride it the next time we come. She wanted to see SB3d but she decided not to. We were on the way back up international when she asked if there was a place to get food as her blood sugar was dropping. Luckily we were right near the Mandarin Place. She sat down I got the grub. Very reasonably priced and after the meal said it was time to go home as she was getting sicker. Luckily we have a handicap plaqer and we were able to get a close space so we were out very soon.

Total time in park 2 hours.
She was happy she got out and kept saying sorry for leaving so early. I didn't care. This was my 20th trip this year and it was special because she came with me. Not so much as I am a momma’s boy as 9/10 of the time she’s too sick to do much else but work and sleep. While not the action thrilled adventure I usually have it was pleasing none the less. It was special for me so hey :-)

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Hey whats wrong with being a Mommas Boy? I am.

We had to buy my mom a hard rock jacket to get her on the Hulk. Aren't Moms great ;P

Shop @ "Paintball should be fun, not expensive"

It sounds like a nice day out... glad she's still getting around and young at heart :)
Great TR! Good to hear that your mom still likes going to parks even thogh she has a hard time. Last time my mom was at a park was about 10-12 years ago and she doesn't have any ailments.

I had a similar experiance with my gradmother a year or two ago at Knoebels. I got her on the train, carousel, and Haunted Mansion! It was pretty funny she jumped at everything in it! She still didn't try the Phoenix though. :(

Signature will be closed today. Sorry for the inconveinance.

She had told me that she had saw SOB and Beast on the travel channel last year and she was curious about a couple of the rides and wanted to attempt it. She would never go alone. She felt safe because I know alot of the staff there at the park and she knew she was in good hands.

I don't see her smile much anymore when I was on White water canyon with her yesterday and she was laughing and smiling it felt good. Yeah I pissed away 80 bucks on a pass she will most likely use 2 times. It was worth it though.

Hi.....whats your name again?

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