PKI 7-16

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Rob Nungster backed out last night so I asked my friend Kristin to go to PKI with me. We arrived around 2pm and she wanted to fly on skyflyer I didn’t so she flew and I watched and caught up with someone who works on the ride. We then went to Son of Beast.

Son of Beast was about a 10 min wait we went to the back seat and had a smooth ride overall it was pretty good.
Some washboarding in the helix but other than that it was doing good. Loop gives great forces then there is a hint of some air. We next went to Adventure Express.

Adventure Express. It was okay for me. Kristin had some problems. The effects were running well and it was a fun ride. We then went to Racer Backwards. Most people have sworn off the Racers but I like em. I had excellent airtime. Monster was next.

Decent spinning on Monster had fun.

We went down to the 1st flyers ride of the day. Good starter ride, Had to reteach kristin how to fly. After a good flyers ride it was time to ride Mike Tyson Aka Vortex.

Backseat on Vortex is the only seat for me! Today they were running only 2 trains. A op said that they were working on one. I could see maintance there all day so his story checks out.

We then went down to Action theater. She saw the line for SB3D and we decided to do Raiders of the Lost Temple or whatver the waste of film in the 2nd side is. It was good the 1st time second time it blew. I hid on the way out while Kirstin was on the phone she was looking for me Lol!

After that it took some convinceing and some White Water canyon action was ready. Now we road with some people who think the seatbelt is optional on there. Last time I checked it wasn't No one looked so she got away with it. Got drenched!

I then won Kristin a Care Bear

We then went to Scooby Doos Haunted Castle. I outscored kristin alot I had 1800 she had like 600. After that it was time for Tomb Raider stunt show.

I will not spoil it for you, It was amazing! I loved it. Great effects Great show!

I went to the flyers again and Kristin went to get a bag for her prizes. I get a awome ride the wind was picking up and I was going crazy wind was getting high I was pretty rushed about it. Then the ride is closed the sky opens and we make the run to wings. We have some dinner

About 9:15sh the flats opened back up. We stayed at the flyers for the rest of the night Crew busted there butts to get us on the ride and give us many cycles. Fireworks went off and thus ended a great night!

Craig the Sup at flyers did a great job. He got a great GR from me at the end of the night. The park gets big ups for reopening so late in the day. Made my day with that!

There was a few people down at the flyers I knew them by there faces but not names if anyone was there I was the guy in the Legend shirt. Please email me or somthing so I can learn your names! :-)

Hi.....whats your name again?

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Intresting you seem to like the TR show. I guess it was easy to know that they would improve it based on the bad reviews it got here by PGA.


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