PKI 6/26/04, Geauga lake 6/27, and CP on 6/28

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Me and my friend Cyndi went to BeastBuzz on Saturday, and the day at PKI was great weatherwise, It was a very sucessful event. I would say the general crowds were not to bad, longest waits for any rides were roughly 45 minutes to an hour, and I was able to do some of the smaller kids coasters, food that was servied up for beast buzz was more then satisfactory. and the evening ERT well, I was a little disappointed to the format as everyone had to the basically the same rides at the same time, and then be escorted to the next ride, so if someone wanted to do ERT on just one ride they may have had to wait an extra hour or so. but in general everyone rode all the ERT rides and I was told that they would run each ride so that everyone got to ride 3 times, well we only had got 2 rides in on the ERT on the first 3 rides except Beast, we got in 4 rides. :-) But personally it wasn't like any other coaster event I had gone to were you were on your own to do whatever rides were ERT. so if I were to rate the whole park experience for a coaster event I would give it an A-, the event went to about 1:30 AM which was nice. Thanks Jeff for putting this together and all that helped you, and thank you PKI.

Then we drove up to Geauga lake, this was my 2nd visit to this park, last time was under the six flags name, and just from what I remember I think it was pretty much the same, the very big dissapointment was how dirty the park was liter in all the queue lines especially Thunderhawk. Signs were not posted for the rides, I guess they are still on order I was told. but I was able to ride some coasters I didn't ride the previous time, I was impressed with the length of the train on beaver creek mine ride, and it was my first time riding Villian, and it was a great ride, didnt feel any trim brakes on that ride. Steel Venom was down for the entire day, and I met an enthuiest working head spin who was very friendly, i did not catch his name. There was no line for Dominator when we reached that ride, and rode that 3 times in a row before we moved on... Fireworks in the evening were better then Kings Islands show, overall park rating was a B, mainly due to the garbage lying around... Maybe they need to get some more garbage cans in the queue lines...

then on Monday we hit Cedar Point, and the morning started out dry, but we caught a rain shower while in line for MF, and then after the rain stopped and we got up to ride, someone undid a seat belt the supervisor said, and then when they got that resolved, the other two trains were not in the right position, and they had to manually push those and get extra crew to help, and then they had to messa round with this plug into the back of the trains, and the delay was quite extensive, but they did escort the girl off the ride. TTD was down for the entire day, I was told that up frontand all the trains were in the transfer track and noone was at the station platform. Then we wanted to ride wild cat, and they said it has to reopen an hour after the rain stopped so we went and did raptor and came back in an hour, they were test running it and removing sand bag,s but because it was going to rain in about ten to 15 minutes, they then told us they wern't going to reopen it, so we wasted 10 minutes for them to prepare the ride for nothing, little disappointing. Then the rain came again, and we made our way out for some lunch and to head back home to Chicago. Cedar Point Experience this particular Monday was A- due to the Wildcat treatment, I feel if the ride is ready to open back up, even if they can open it for ten to 15 minutes, and you have people who are waiting for it to reopen, you should honor those guest until the rain starts again. The other items I know are not in too much control of the park and the weather. Also a side note, the TGI Fridays that is owned by Cedar Point raised their prices from opening weekend, they are much higher then normal fridays location. this was not the case May 8th. That came to a shock to me. Will have to try Famous daves next time to see if that is reasonable compared to the one near me. No complaints at Breakers Express.

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