PKI 6/2 The Good and the Bad

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Today was the day PKI is closed to the general public for private business days. Since my dad works for GM we got in for cheap tickets, $20 for my parents, $5 for me since I have a season pass.

We got to the park at about 11:30 to find that the power was out and the only rides running that I saw was Drop Zone and Tomb Raider. (not sure, the line was moving though) So we decided to go up to the Beast to see what was going on, we sat down for a few seconds then saw a train go up the hill, and waited in line 20minutes and rode the Beast (without any extra brakes turned on wooohoo!). The other rides were still down, but Rivertown was up. We rode the Eagles then walked over to the Racers which were up and I rode that with a 20minute wait. After that we all ate lunch and left because each ride had over an hour and a half to two hour wait.

As we were leaving they gave all of us free tickets to come back another day since the power was out today for the first few hours. So, I guess it was worth it. We were only there for a total of 3 hours, if that. But riding the Beast, Eagles, and Racers plus free tickets, I guess it was worth it.

PKI is really nice about when their guests go through trouble. When we went to the Drop Zone filming for the travel channel, they gace us free tickets also. Hum, nice people i guess.

Women was god's second mistake.

Kings Island is very concerned and probably one of the most about public relations. Back when SOB died on them - lol - the first year, they gave (I believe) all people over 18 a free rent a car for a week, and people under 18 some free toys and stuff from kings island - as well as all of them a free ticket to come back anytime in the year.

A Soon To Be Kings Island Employee

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