PKI 4/4 Season Pass Sneak Preview

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Hey all I just got back a little while ago from the PKI Season Pass Preview, and boy was it cold. I only stayed for for a couple of hours. I arrived at the park at 4pm and got my season pass processed, and was on my way. At 5pm I took my first coaster ride of the season, i'm not going to rate the rides as PKI is my home park, but i'll just say how i feel they are running this year. My first coaster ride of 2002 was Son of Beast, and boy what a great ride i had on this, i rode in 6-2 and it was running really well, even though it was cold, but it was still fun. After Son of Beast I went to Racer, they only had the frontwards side open today, so I took a spin, and boy what a great ride good air time, and the break on the turn around wasn't on today, so we flew around that corner, not sure if the break was still there as I wasn't really looking for it. After Racer I went to FOF, I rode in 5-1 great ride as always witht he lap bars : ), after FOF I went and hit up Vortex, let me tell ya the new paint job really looks great, and orange rails are really bright it looks great. I rode in 6-1 it was a good ride, really smooth too, hope it keeps up for the season, but it was a great ride. After Vortex I went to ride 7th Portal, even though I've seen this movie a million times, but I rode just to warm up, still a great ride, but it does get boring after you seen it alot. After that I went over and checked out TR:TR it was shut down, not sure why, but they were a long line of people waiting for it to open, not sure if it ever did or not. After that I went and rode Top Gun, rode in 7-1 it still a good ride just short, by this time it was 7pm, and it was time to head home.

Observations about the park - The park, the they did alot of work in the off season painted alot of things the park looks great. Cobra looks sad, only thing that reminds is the lift, the hill that went over the line, and part of the turn into the bunny hops, but everything else is gone. They put a wooden fence around the entire ride, and part of the old fence from around TRTR, the one that said about a new thrilling attraction next year in front of the enterence. But it just looks sad. The had the backwards racer shut down today, and as long as Face/Off they were running empty trains though, but not allowing anyone to ride, other then that, it was a good time, even though i didn't get to ride TR:TR :( but i have all summer right hehehehe.


Nice report! Was Drop ZOne Open?

So what is better? SFMM or CP? I don't care! They both have 29 coasters between them that they build so we can have a good time!

yes Drop Zone was open last night. 4/4/02


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