PKI 4/29/02 (my first TRTR)

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Out of school...WHODEY! So I decided to celebrate the break by going to everyones favorite summer fun location: Paramount's Kings Island!!!! I left the homesteada at about ohhh....8:45. Smooth traffic until about two miles out...figures some Celica was a flaming heap of metal...almost undistinguishable...taking up two lanes...right on a merge of another Interstate. So that put me at the gates at 9:30. Got my pass processed and walked in. The park was empty. I hit every coaster twice in 4 hours...and Racer 6 times and was out of the gates by 1:45. I'll detail my ride on each of the coasters in order. I will rate them on a 5 star basis

Tomb Raider: The Ride (2 laps) ****

"It's just a top spin thrown in a box", I told myself and my non-enthusiast friend, whom I gave him a proper lesson on flatride names and manufacuters. I was wrong. The theming is superb and pumps you up to ride. I walked into the "fourth chamber" and noticed that this was CONSIDERABLY larger than a normal top spin. We had a great program on it...and was held upside down over the lava for..count it...yes...12 seconds! Fun time gettin thrown into the restraints, but it freaked out the old man behind me and made the blood rush to my head.I counted 5 inversions, and got off pumped for my new baby...I love it!

The Beast (2 laps)****1/2

Early morning it had rained and boy was the Beast rockin! Front seat waits. Get this...the midcourse was either completely off or VERY LOW.We were ripping through the trees and I swallowed a bug :( . Still though the Beast is back again and ready for a new onslaught of riders!

Vortex(2 laps)***

She's shiny and new looking but still runs on those crappy Arrow transitions so it was naturally rough as all hell. Ride op's were really moving today an there was no stacking. Cheers to them. Vortex is still great but could use some Vekoma

Fligh of Fear ****1/2

Damn do I love this ride. She is running so well lately and those lap bars just make it (puckers lips) oh so wonderful. No midcourses...that is becoming a staple of the ride. I have realised the the General Public doesnt realise alot of times the FOF has any inversions. I also heard a young teenage girl claim FOF was exactly the same as Disney's Rocking Rollercoaster. Hrrrmmmnn....This may be my favorite at the park...but its tight with Beast.

Racer (5 laps) ***1/2

Backwards was the only one open today...but still no wait and its the only air in the park. I really do love this ride and think it may have ahd some sections retracked (??). Ran like a beauty all day and I got the most out of her.

Son of Beast (2 laps) ***

Damn is it getting rough. I've got the patented SOB bruises on my thighs today lol. No usual...adn it actually ran a little slow. Op's were moving slowly also. Loop was great as always but she just isn't living up to the hype. 70+ was not meant for beat me up today. Oh well, I would rather be on it than 99% of the places on earth.

Face/Off (2 laps)**1/2

Vekoma....nuff said! Everyone's ridden this in one form or another, so why tell you about it!

Adventure Express(2 laps) **

It's a good minetrain...and my park wouldn't feel like home without it. But i got stuck on the lift hill for 5 Soft drizzle while riding and the wheels squeaked and it sounded horrific due to the wet rails.

Top Gun (CLOSED)

SlingShot (1 shot)****

My first and i love it! Ride one of these won't be disappointed!

Overall it was a good kickoff to the summer for me...and everything was running pretty well. The park was pretty much empty...and I was out by 1:45. Good day. Hope you enjoy!

No Limits is every enthusiasts best friend! :)

Very nice. Yes many parts of the Backwards Racer were restracked, including the first drop. Sounds great! I'll be there tomorrow for my 4th time this season!


I thought SOB was running good this season?
I honestly never have really like SOB....wood was never meant ot be that fast. Frankly it hurts and takes the fun away form it.

No Limits is every enthusiasts best friend! :)

AHHHHHHHHHH! It's the fifth month of the year! LOL! I am shamed and will soon go cower in the fetal position in the corner

No Limits is every enthusiasts best friend! :)

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