PKI 4/19 I love this park even more

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Well, I finally got my chance to kick off my season today on 4/19 at my favorite amusement park. It was really nice all day, no rain, nice warm temperatures, breezy winds, and very very short lines. A great day indeed. I was trying to meet up with Joe and James K but unfortunately I was never home to respond to the email Joe sent me. Sorry I really wouldve liked to meet up.

Anyway to begin the day with Gold Pass ERT in Action Zone my uncle and I went straight to Dilerium. The looks of it was just awesome, and the ride even better. We waited one load, this at 5 till 10, and we were on. The g's are just amazing. You go from zero-g at the top of this, where you seem inverted, to like 4 or more g's at the bottom. A great ride. 8/10

We split the center of the park and headed for Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle. The castle on this thing on the outside looked great. For the second straight year Pki excelled on theming a ride. Very fun, and got 2 more rides throught the day, posting a high score of 1860. 9/10

Next we headed for the river where a Beast was calling our name. The first coaster of the season would be great. No wait, and got to stay on for a re-ride. Though a bit smooth, a bit braked, go to every other park in the country and try to find this coaster. You wont. The Legend is the closest thing to Beast, and it cant touch it. 10/10

Moving along, we would have ridden the Flyers, but I guess someone pucked on em, so we just rode Vortex instead. After waiting for one train, we were off on the first steel coaster of the year. I myself bash on arrow for some designs, but this ride is smooth, more the less. I just simply keep my head forward of the restraints, and no headbanging. 8/10

Flight of Fear....oo the fear it put back on me. It seemed so much faster than last year, and 50x darker. Brilliant PKI. The on-ride photos were back up too, and it looked like I was punching the aliens it puts on the screen. It was great. 10/10

The Racer looked fun, but only forwards was open, so we had to wait about five minutes. Another airtime filled ride. 8/10

As we returned to AZ, we noticed Drop Zone only had about a 10 minute wat, so we became part of it. I love this drop ride. Even though ive ridden it nearly 75 times or so, I still get butterflys when hanging at the top. I just absolutely love it. 9/10

Top Gun was a walk-on, or 5 minutes I should say because of the walking. Two quick rides came about, and I also got a great picture of SoB right before the drop after you make the turn at the top. 7/10

We decided since SoB had a 1 hour wait because of one train, we would get some food in our stomach first. As it turns out, we grabbed another ride on SDatHC, then ate. After my uncle and I thought about Subway, but in the end I opted for the best pizza in the country with a Sprite Remix and he got a burger and fries and a Sprite Remix. Sprite Remix is a awesome drink. It tastes like fruit punch, but also has that sprite kick in it. Also the drink can only be found in certain coke machines, but there are two that have them in the machines by the SoB queue entry. After our meals, thats where headed.

SoB. I still can not figure out why so many people bash it. Simply sit in the middle of any car, and the ride is no rougher than the Beast, but still has intensity which can not be shaved off. I still love this ride, every time. 10/10.

Dilerium had taken its delay once again, so we headed around the park for one last time. Adventure Express provided another nice ride. 7/10.

We also got in Racer backwards. 8/10
Another FoF.
Another Vortex.
2 Rides on my Eagles. Geez I just cant get enough outa snappin those things. Its great hearing people in the line being like how are they doing that. I think I got whiplash from one of my rides. But I love it. Tied for best flat in the park with Dilerium.
The BEast came up again.
Scooby Doo came up again.
I also got a blueberry ice cream cone. My favorite ice cream in the world from Huckleberry Dairy.
Then we nabbed another ride on SoB.
Now there was 20 minutes to go, and we wanted to assure ourselves another ride on Dilerium. We got inline and got another Sprite Remix, which is now one of my favorite drinks, and would suggest to anyone. 30 minutes later we found ourselves sitting on this giant beast of a flat ride. Absolutey awesome is all i can say.
Though still having a few bugs to be worked out, as TRTR did and still does, but they are both brilliant flats and I am glad PKI finally figured out that theres more than a new coaster every other to making a park good. Great job PKI and i look forward to seeing you there next month. I hope I can meet up with someone next time. Later everyone.
Cameron P

Beast-Crew 04'
RCT2 Wizard: FooFighter101

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