PKI 4/18/04

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Wow, wasn't it snowing in Ohio last week? Now it's sunny and 82 degrees in April. Perfect time to hit Ohio's first-to-open permanent amusement park, Paramount's Kings Island!

I wont go into every detail of our trip, but here are the highlights (in no particular order).

Racer - Walk-on. A little rough, but a nice way to begin the coaster-riding day. Unfortunately, while both sides were running 2 trains, they seemed to have no intention of actually racing them. Gotta knock off a point just for that (3/5)

Flight of Fear - Man, I still love these new restraints. Also, it seems a lot darker in the queue (getting pitch black at some points during the show.) This was the longest wait of the day at 15 minutes. (4.27/5)

Vortex - Another walk-on. Since Mrs. Jimmybob didn't want to ride, I went solo on this and ended up sitting next to Screamy Mimi. Oh well, years of arcade work has left me a little less sensitive to high pitches anyway. This actually seemed a little smoother than my last ride. Maybe it's just me. (3.5/5)

Beast - Again, a walk-on. Wild and crazy as usual, but we got stuck in front of a few people who had to yell to their kids a few rows back "Are you ready for the double-heeeelix?" That got old after the 15th or 16th time. Points off for Mr. Jam-The-Train-To-A-Sudden-Stop-In-The-Shed-For-No-Reason-Whatsoever ride op. That got painful. Otherwise, an expected kick-butt ride. (4.52/5)

Son of Beast - 10 min. wait, went solo again - smart wife, dumb husband. Even in a seat by myself, this was just as painful as my first and only ride 3 years ago. So much potential, but the trains ruin it completely. Definitely a WOMBAT (Waste Of Money, Brains, and Track.) This is the only coaster I have ever ridden where nearly everyone getting off was either in pain or complaining (and I've ridden Mean Streak ;)). (0/5)

Top Gun - A walk-on, and plenty of exercise thanks to the world's longest queue. I forgot how damn short this thing was. Two guys ahead of me were discussing the accident from awhile back. They mentioned that there were guys in the truck, and they had to jump for their lives. Is that true? We stopped for a brief moment on the lift, then crawled ever so slowly as the system compensated for the train behind us. Nice breeze, but not worth the walk. (2/5)

Beastie - Didn't ride, but wanted to mention that they changed the name. Again. This has probably been mentioned here before, but I missed it. Still has the purple/orange color scheme, but a nice new entrance sign with the recycled name. Does this hold the record for most name changes for one ride in one park?

Other highlights - This was probably a perfect day to go with the very short lines and the fantastic weather. This was a great way to start off the season for me. Boomerang Bay looks like it'll be a lot of fun (while at the same time making a nearby water park a little more nervous); too bad I won't make it down there again this year.

Well, next stop, my first visit to Hersheypark. I hear they have some sort of new coaster or something ;)


Son of Beast - 10 min. wait, went solo again - smart wife, dumb husband. Even in a seat by myself, this was just as painful as my first and only ride 3 years ago. So much potential, but the trains ruin it completely. Definitely a WOMBAT (Waste Of Money, Brains, and Track.) This is the only coaster I have ever ridden where nearly everyone getting off was either in pain or complaining (and I've ridden Mean Streak ). (0/5)

I was there yesterday and people were loving it. The ride Isn't near as bad as it used to be. The 2nd half of the ride needs work though.

Beastie - Didn't ride, but wanted to mention that they changed the name. Again. This has probably been mentioned here before, but I missed it. Still has the purple/orange color scheme, but a nice new entrance sign with the recycled name. Does this hold the record for most name changes for one ride in one park?

Its been Scooby Doo and Beastie. Most recycled name nope.

Hi.....whats your name again?


Its been Scooby Doo and Beastie. Most recycled name nope.

I thought sometime after it was the Beastie, it was changed back to Scooby Doo, and is now the Beastie again (shows you how much I go back in the kiddie area! :)) Perhaps I better go brush up on my ride history again...

You screwed Beast. It deserves a 4.53 for sure.

Down is the new up.
joe.'s avatar
I was there too. Tomb Raider was running great once they opened it. The second row was out again.
So they finally got it open, eh? It was closed both times I went by. Eiffel Tower was closed for a while too for "technical difficulties."
At least the moron parents knew it was called a double helix. They could have been saying something like, "Are you ready for the looop-de-loopty?!??!!?"

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."

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