PKI 4-18

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I figured since I was on spring break and I hadn't much to do on friday I would head down the PKI. I had been there once this year but it was last friday, the 11th, and as many of us know it was very crowded. I only got in Delirium and SOB. I was a little worried about this day though seeing as it was the first bring a friend free day of the year. But I figured that a lot of people don't have their passes yet any way so it might not be to bad.

We arrived around 9:50 to a very empty parking lot. We were happy and once in the park got in the crowd to head to action zone. As the gates opened people ran for everything. I decided to get a nice quick ride on delirium. I love this ride. It was a great investment by PKI, much better than TR:TR I think. We got off and notcied the line still short so we got in line again only to find out that the line wouldn't be that short. As we in line they had trouble with the floor returning after the ride. My theory on this is the gondola is not returning perfectly to its starting spot. Well after one test ride we were on and after our ride the floor acted up again leaving us stranded for another 10 minutes. We were glad we got these 2 rides in now because Delirium was down for a good portion of the afternoon.

After out few laps on delirium we headed to SOB. We knew it was now or never seeing as they only have one train operation. The same old ride I love but most hate after waiting a good 45 minutes from the bottom of the ramp.

Next we hit TG just to see how it was running this year. Very smooth and I had almost forgot how much pull the back has. I was a little dissapointed that the brush under the ride has been cleared but its still fun.

After this we crossed over the park to get a ride on the new Scooby ride. I liked it but didn't like my score, a mere 210, it will get better. I do have one complaint and that is I never saw anywhere that it said to shoot the targets when the light is on. I know the speil might say it but its far to loud to hear that in there. I figured this our shortly to post a 660 on the next time and a 1080 the following. I have a question though, the ride is set up so its harder with more people in the car right?

Next was TR:TR. We noticed a short line so we got in line but it moved extremly slow. After about an hour wait from the start of the tunnel we were on in the fornt middle. Still the same everything. This ride doesn't impress me but thats my opinion. I dont know but I think I would like it just as well outside with no theming.

Next was the beast. I think they have themself a problem with the new lines for walk-on wednesdays, especailly the beast. A lot of people look at that and say, o theres no one in this line and get in it and cut past everyone else in line to get right on. That needs fixed. Well there is not much that pleased my about this ride this time. My last time on it was with many of you for the last ride of the year last year when it was just flying. This year the trims were on hard, and it was movin slow. The only thing I like better now is how smooth the first turn is. Its amazing what a little work will do to a ride. Just a note, they were having alot of trouble getting the lap bars up today, I dont know what was going on but it was down for a little while because of this.

After the beast we took a ride on the eagles. I rode tub 2 and found it to work fine. After this we took a quick ride on vortex, it is smoother than last year but I still dont like this ride and probally never will.

Skipped FOF and hit the Racer which was fun as always. Then to AE for a smoother than normall ride but without the brush, just like TG.

After basicly circling the park we hit DZ and then just whatever we could untill the day was over. The crowd was pretty small and overall things are looking to a good season at PKI this year.

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