PKI 2002 Season in Review

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Good morning Buzzers. I was bored so I thought I would throw together a review of my 10 visits to the park this year.
To get the year kicking I was there opening and went strait back to TR:TR for a first ride and 45 minute wait. IT was neat because snow was still on the groung for a real Cambodia look. That day rides were as follows: The Beast 5 rides, Son of Beast 16 rides (twilight rides, 14 strait times without leaving the exit ramp,oooh ya). That day I rode every other coaster at least once and took about 4 spins on my Eagles.
NExt visit would be May 4th. That day only 4 rides on SOB and 7 on The Beast(twilight rides 3). This day was without a ride on the 4 family/junior coasters and no ride on Face/ Off.
Next visit would be Math & Science day with the school. Started out waiting 1 hr. for SOB. Well after that it started raining and the other 3 people in my group didnt want to get wet. So I left them at Octoberfest for 3 1/2 hours while went and walked on basically any ride I wanted. Got 4 awesome rides on the Beast in pouring rain. Picked up 2 more rides on SoB and I thought it was hailing. lol. Also grabbed 2 rides on the Flyers and hit up the Racer. I was so glad it rained. The day may have only offered 2-3 rides for the whole day.
I had two visits in June which were on nice sunny Fridays. Maybe everyone thought it was Monday because the was dead both times. Nothing real special these two visits, but I did get a great new friend who works the Beast, MAtt, who is really cool. These to visits compiled my Beast total for the year to 33 and 31 on SoB.
Next was July 19, another empty Friday. Grabbed 4 more rides on the Beast and power rode Drop Zone 10 straight times without waiting once. Brilliant. SoB offered 6 great rides, and we were told that train 2 clocked in at 82 mph that day, and if felt every bit of it. Got to spend some good time with my friend Matt that day.
To continue the tradition, another Friday was due come August 16. What can I say, if this is Friday, do Monday's have guests. We roared through the park and husted The Beast for 7 rides that day and grabbed 4 from Sonny. On the Eagles I had the thing whipping so much, I knocked a huge branch off the tree.
September brought an 8th visit and little more crowd, but still not bad. Only 3 rides on Beast today and 2 on SoB but we focused a lot getting Eagles rides because there was nice wind and my uncle and I wanted to snap till we popped.
October 5th brought my first Fearfest. It is good but crowds for the walk-throughs are just mad. But not too bad. We only did two haunted attractions because we wanted our SoB and Beast rides. 6 on Sob, 4 on Beast.
November 3rd closing day and my birthday, brought an end. I always hate leaving the parj these days and knowing it will be 5 months before you see it again. I wanted Beast, so I got my present. 8 rides that day, with 2 on Sonny. Also, I had the Second to last ride of the season. Just great.

Season totals:
The Beast, 59 rides Son of Beast, 51 rides

I thought I would conclude with a few park awards. As follows:
Best food: La Rosa's Pizza
Best coaster: The Beast
Best ride on coaster: Sonny in the rain
Best Flat: The Eagles
Best Ride on Flat: First time on TR:TR
Best food outlet: Octoberfest.
The best awards are simply my view. Not ment to declare anything other that how my year had them. Thank you for reading.
Cameron Parker
Until April 12
Beast-Crew 04'
*** This post was edited by punkrockrider 2/17/2003 12:00:37 PM ***

By the way, does anyone know if we will be getting those cool gold pass season calandars again?
Beast-Crew 04'
Those calanders that told us what events wehere going on incase that was kind of vague.
Beast-Crew 04'

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