PKI August 6 & 7

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Took my first trip to PKI this weekend so here is my report.

I got to the park on Friday at about 2PM and used my free ticket from Nocoastercon to get in. The first thing i did was to look for the ACE marker so I could be there first thing on Saturday, but i could not find it. So I went to the Eiffel Tower to get a good look at the park. After about 10 minutes I came down. Next I found a park employee who told me exactly where to find the ACE marker, I went right there and so I would know where it was. I thought it would be a large rock or something, oh well. Any way next onto Face Off. I saw it from the parking lot and thought it looked rather small. When I got up close to it I realized it was small(compared to Deja Vu). After about a hour wait I got onto the back seat facing backwards, I found this to be a pretty good ride despite how small it seemed. Next onto Drop Zone, another hour wait I like it"s capacity otherwise same as other Itimin Drops although much higher. Next stop my first ride on delirium. Great ride loved every second of it. onto Son of Beast front row. I think this is a great coaster only problem is how rough it is. The loop is a great feature on it. Top Gun is next nice ride too short. Next onto my new favorite thing to do--The Sky Coaster. What! only $10! I've only experienced the one at SFGAM which is 125' this one is 162' and it sure seemed much higher any way I really enjoyed it despite my fears of it. I bought a tape and picture. next one mare ride on Delirium. Next up was Racer great ride again although all I could think about is the Brady Bunch episode. Later on I went to Flight of Fear I really liked this ride with the indoor dark aspects of it. It was a lot of fun. Ended the day on the swings wich I thought ran much faster than the same models at SFGAM & CP.

Got to the park early on Saturday and waited at the ACE marker for the Beast walk back. About 9:45 we walked back to the Beast got in the front row. What a great--awsome coaster every thing about it is as good as I've heard from everyone. After that ride we switched seats with the people in the back and rode again. After Beast we went on to Tomb Raider I thought it was a pretty good well themed ride. Next up was the flying eagles which was interesting then we went to Vortex. A pretty smooth Arrow Looper. I liked that one as well. Next I went to see Spongbob Squarepants 3-D it was fun. I spent the rest of the day playing various games and doing some other water rides and checking out the water park. Went on Delirium 2 more times and did the Sky Coaster again but they raised the price to $15. I ended my day in perfect fashion with a night ride on the Beast. What a awesome great ride.

Over all a great fun time for my first trip to PKI.

Hey Matt:

Sounds like you had a great time - thats cool! ONLY $10 for the Skycoaster - SFGrAM should be the same.

Catch you this coming Sunday?

GLad you had a good time, I was probably there when you rode Sponge Bob because that's my ride.

Former KI Employee 2004-Action Theatre 2005-Italian Job Stunt Track/ Eurobungee assistant sup
john peck's avatar
What do you mean that the Flying Eagles were "interesting"
hey john
what i mean is i have a lot to learn about how to control them for the best flight. it was the first time i was ever on a ride like that.

You gotta love a skycoaster that swings out over Action Zone. Expecially if its cheeper than other parks. :)

Glad to see the Vortex is back up. I'm going there for my first time next week.

-Look past the flesh...and see your enemy-

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