PKD/Carowinds question

I keep a season pass to Paramount every year, and 2 weekends ago i opened my season at Carowinds, and Borg had a one train op. SO my questions are..

1. Does anybody know when Carowinds is planning on having the second train on Borg?

2. When is Hypersonic scheduled to be open since it is apparently down due to supposedly receiving magnetic brakes?

Mamoosh's avatar
Borg started 2-train op last weekend. Someone else will have to answer your questions about HXLC.
It they had a 2 train operation going on Borg last weekend, it must have been on Saturday as it was back down to 1 on Sunday. Then again, Sunday wasn't that busy so they may only be bringing out the extra train on the busiest days.
Mamoosh's avatar
I guess I should have qualified my answer by saying I'd read on another forum that Borg was operating 2 trains.

David, have you called the parks? Seems to me that would be the best place to start.

Hypersonic was operating last weekend.
Carowinds started off with a 2 train operation on BORG today (4-16), but by 2pm, the second train was malfunctioning so they went back to 1 train. They still seem to be working some kinks out of the ride as it has yet to be open an entire day without going down.

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