PKD 6/20

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Right...So I was gonna write a giant TR about my day at Kings Dominion and how peeved I was about not being the first to know about the all the happenings at the park - and then my computer crapped out on me. So I just decided to do this sorry excuse for a report instead. If you don't like it, tough.

Flight of Fear (2 rides) - I do belive that this was a good choice for my first ride of the day. This was my first time on the ride sans OTSR's, and I was very impressed. It's most certainly every bit as big and as good a change as you all say. This coaster has definitely made it into my park favorites list (Even if it is way too light in the building). Waits: Walk-on at 11:00; fifteen minutes at 4:30.

Volcano: The Blast Coaster (2 rides) - What can I say? This coaster is a solid performer, never giving a subpar ride or one that completely blows you away. Today was no exception. Waits: fifty minutes at 11:15 (front seat); one hour at 3:10

Triple Spin (1 ride) - My first ever Trioka was fun. The ride disorients you without making you sick. A solid addition to a desperately lacking flat ride collection. Waited a little less than ten minutes at 12:15

Hypersonic XLC (2 rides) - I first discovered that this beast of a coaster was testing as I was picking up some grub at Stan Mikita's. I walked over to two park employees standing beneath the photo booth and asked if the ride would be up today. The guy who looked clueless gave me an uneasy shrug, while the other one gave a confident shake of the head, indicating no. Having satisfied my curiosity, I ate my food - which was quite good, I reccomend Mikita's to anyone looking for a place to eat in the park - and got in line for Ricochet. As soon as I settled into place, I spotted a Hypersonic train roaring down the first drop...with passengers. Needless to say, I left that line in seconds and sprinted to the XLC. After an hour of waiting, half of which was spent on extra testing, I scored a front seat on the ride with the spiffy new cars. One word of advice, even though it doesn't look bad, your head can still bang against the extra padding. I learned that the hard way on my first ride of the day. But the second time around, I discovered that even a minimal attempt to keep your cranium in place will make for a good ride. Easily my favorite coaster at Kings Dominion. Waits: one hour at 12:40 (front seat); forty-five minutes at 5:15

Ricochet (1 ride) - Ehh...This mouse isn't quite what it's cracked up to be. First off, the drop is only average. Not really fun or thrilling or fast - it's just there. The curves are taken at a speed slower than what simliar coasters surge through them at. Barely worth the twenty minutes I waited to ride it at 1:50.

Rebel Yell (2 rides) - Yikes. Somebody needs to straighten this thing up...and fast! The first of my two backward trips on the old PTC was standard, with pretty much all of the hills giving just enough air to lift you out of your seat. On ride #2, my innards were roughed up beyond belief. Seriously, the ride shook so much that I was clutching my stomach afterwards. Airtime was definitely a good least then you weren't in contact with the crooked track! One-to-two train waits all day.

Grizzly (5 rides!) - I used to despise this coaster, but after giving me some excellent rides lately, it's become my fave wooden in the park. I just love everything about the ride - all the way from the twisted first drop to the quick finale, by way of a tunnel in which you just can't stay in your seat! Walk-ons all day (which means - RERIDES!)

Flying Eagles (1 ride) - Hey! I think I'm getting the hang of the cable snapping technique on these flyer rides. Wiggy. Waited ten minutes for a ride at 2:45

Shannondoah Logging Co. (1 ride) -'s a log flume. Not much else to say.

Anaconda (1 ride) - This big ol' Arrow looper gave an alright ride today. Only one major smack against my OTSR's was accompanied by some pleasant sliding around in my seat during the corkscrews. Good Times. Waited for one train to arrive before riding at 4:20.

Hurler (1 ride) - I made a mental promise to myself not to ride this hunk of junk. I should have kept it. I rode in the front, which is better than the back. However, that's kind of like saying that being shot in the head is perferrable to being stabbed in the foot and bleeding to death. The airtime on this ride was sucked out long ago and you're left with relentless joshing from side to side. It was a walk-on all day, with good reason.

As for the drop tower, it will be placed on the site of the Scrambler. Speaking of Scrambler, the ride is now totally torn down and the netting above the queue is starting to lose it's form too. See Jeff, I can still have some fun with my news contributions, even if you stole my discoveries from underneath my nose. ;)

*** This post was edited by wesleyg on 6/21/2002. ***


I love roller coasters, and I need psychiatric help. Or a roller coaster.

Why didnt you ride Shockwave or Scooby Doo.
Nice Trip Report! I am doing Hypersonic for #100 so that will be great. Is Hypersonic open on a daily basis now. I havben't heard about any breakdowns yet:) I hope they built another launched coaster;)

-Sean Newman
83 coasters and soon to be more
Life is a roller coaster Ride It!

I'm so mad. I went to PKD on 6-19 instead of 6-20!!!!!!


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