PKD 1st Time 8/3/02

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We arrived at the park from NJ around 11:00 and headed into the parking lot. We paid our 7 dallars and was very disapointed to see a sign that said Hypersonic XLC will not be in operation today. We parked our car next to a family that went to the park daily so I asked them if Hypersonic ever opened when the sign was up and they said no. We got our tickets and had to listen to the speaker say that Hypersonic wouldn't be open and it was getting on my nerves. After seeing it on the rides down sign and asking the ticket guy I finally accepted it.

With Hypersonic down we headed to Volcano.

Volcano had a 45 minute wait so we got in line and when we reached the station we grabbed the front row and headed off. The ride was pretty short but it was a great ride and very smooth. It was my favorite so far of course and I didn't think anything would beat it. After Volcano we headed to Avalanche.

Avalanche had a 2 train wait for the middle so we grabbed a middle seat. The ride was pretty comfortable and quite fun. It was a little rough but nothing compared to what it could have been. It even had some strong g's near the end. This is my favorite bobsled but the only other one I have ridden is Disaster Transport. Next we headed to Flight of Fear.

Flight of Fear had a 10 minute wait for the 2nd seat. The theming was excellent but the opening movie gets annoying. This has a great launch but the only problem is its not really dark. I also found the ride to be VERY rough even with lap bars. It was still a fun ride though. Next we headed to Shockwave.

Shockwave had a 3 train wait for the middle so we decided to ride there. The 3 train wait however took about 15 minutes because the ride ops were so slow. The seating was a little uncomfortable but not to bad. As for the ride I though it was very smooth compared to what I expected and I felt no pain at all. This is my favorite stand up but the only other one I have ridden is Mantis. Next we headed to Anaconda.

Anaconda had a 2 train wait for the front seat so we grapped that. I have always loved arrow loopers so I knew I'd like this. The ride was a little rough but very intense until the break run. After that it was alot rougher but the corkscrews were great. Its not as good as GASM but still a fun ride. I wouldn't wait long for it though. Next we headed to Rebel Yell.

Rebel Yell was a walk on for the backwards side So we took that side. The ride was a pretty fun and unique experiance but it was pretty rough at times. I wouldn't ride it too much because of the roughness but it was o.k. Next we did Rebel Yell the forwards side.

The forwards side had a 2 train wait for the middle so we took that. The ride was rougher on that side for some reason and not very fun in my opinion.The drops are pretty good towards the end though. Next we went to Richochet.

Richochet was a walk on so I was happy I didn't have to wait for a wild mouse. We grapped the back and headed up the lift. The drop was good but after that it was breaked too much and turned into a boring ride. There was hardly even any laterals. Next we went to Hurler.

Hurler was a walk on and thank god by the size of that que. We got the middle of the train and headed up the lift. One thing I noticed was that the theming wasn't that bad for a wood. The ride however was very rough and I didn't like it that much at all. I wouldn't ride this one again. I asked the lady in the photo booth how long Hypersonic was down usually and she said usually a day at the most but it was down since Saturday which made me disapointed. Next we headed to Grizzly.

On the way to Grizzly we stopped by Hypersonic and asked the guy in front if it would open later and he said he didn't know but shook his head no.

Grizzly's entrance wasn't as hard to find as people said so we found it right away and sat in the middle. It had a 3 train wait but the crew was so slow it ended up being 15 minutes. This is the best wood in the park but still pretty rough. I liked the way it went through the woods but the roughness still kill's this wood in my opinion.

We went back to Hypersonic and asked another lady if it would open and she said no. When I asked what was wrong she said something serious because its been down since Saturday. Disapointed once again we headed to Scooby Doo.

Scooby Doo had a 2 train wait for the middle so we sat there. This was the smoothest wood in the park and a pretty fun ride. Still nothing spectacular but a fun little ride. Next we headed to Taxi Jam.

Taxi Jam was a walk on so they let me ride. It was a Jr so what else can I say. Not to fun but not to bad. Next we headed to Volcano for another front seat ride. It was an hour wait but well worth it. A great ride that was even better then the first. We got in line one more time and the wait was about and hour and 15 mins because of a break down in line. It was just as good this time around.

We headed to Flight of Fear which was now a walk on and got the 2nd seat. It was still VERY rough but a fun ride that was just as good as the first. After our FOF ride we left and headed to our hotel for the night.


We called the park in the morning to see if Hypersonic would open and they said they didn't know and to try back later so we went to BGW instead. When we got back we called and they said it didn't open and was closed because they needed a part from Germany.


We walked to the park at 9:30 just to find out Hypersonic was still down so we headed to Volcano.

Volcano had a 15 minute line to the front so we got on. The ride was still just as good as yesterday. We got a Volcano shirt and headed to Flight of Fear.

Flight of Fear had a 15 minute line for the front so we got the front seat. The front was 100 percent better then everywhere else. The lauch was great and it was almost as smooth as glass in the front exept for a few parts. Next we went to Anaconda.

Anaconda was a 10 minute wait for the front so we sat there. A fun ride that seemed better and smoother then it was the first time. Next we headed to Flight of Fear again.

It had a 45 minute wait but it was worth it. Another great ride on this coaster. We were going to get in line again but we had to head home soon so we went to Volcano for one last ride. We saw the que was filled and out of the entrance so we went to the eiffel tower before we left. At the top we saw a line by Hypersonic and shortly after we see it launch full of people. I was so excited we rushed over there.

Hypersonic had about a 30 minute wait but after we were almost next in line it broke. After 30 minutes it was up and running so we headed for the front. It was an extra 20 minutes and pretty risky considering it could break down again but we had to ride the front. The ride was amazing. It was smooth as glass and the launch was incredible. Definatly the best ride in the park. We wanted to ride again but the line was too long and we needed to head home. We bought a Hypersonic shirt and headed out after a great trip.

*** This post was edited by Medusafanatic on 8/8/2002. ***

Nice TR! Glad you got to ride Hypersonic. I just went two weeks ago and rode it once in the back and once in the front and all day it had no breakdowns. I feel the same way about Richochet. Volcano in the front is great.


I was also going to use your tip on Taxi Jam as a way to get on if there was a line.
I missed the Scooby do coaster,and wouldent fit into Taxi jam,but I was lucky the day I went to PKD,becuase they had everyone convinced the ride prop dident exsist,but seeing some people waiitng at the sign,I jumped inand they let the group in ,and me and my mother jumped in the back seat and where on in less then 5mins. I was so nervouse,and even said "im scared" haha, yea right not me I was scared of the excitment I was about to get.And ud be surpirsed how close PKD is to Nyc within a days drive, if you ask me, tok us 4hrs, 25mins to get to frediksprug, then another 30mins to get to the park from there.

*** This post was edited by WoodenCyclone on 8/9/2002. ***

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