PKD - Jun,19 & BGW - June 20,21 LONG TR

Associated parks:


I will rate everything on a scale of 1-10.


A very nicely themed park. I liked all the trees along the midways and the theming in the Congo and ride line for FOF.

FOOD: 5/10

Standard amusement park food.


Volcano: The Blast Coaster - 9/10

If this ride was a little longer it would of got a 10/10. After the initial launch the hang time through the in-line twists makes the ride. It felt like I was going to fall out of my seat! I rode this ride a total of 4 times, and I liked every ride. A little tip I found out, for more hang time sit as far towards the front as possible.

Flight Of Fear - 8/10

Another great ride. Can't even start to imagine this ride with OTSR's. The ride is rough enough with lap bars! Great speed throughout the ride, especially enjoyed the corkscrew without a harness. Rode it 2 times.

Anaconda - 4/10

A standard Arrow looper. Nothing to really say about this ride besides I almost broke my elbow on the third turn! Slow, rough, headbanger of a ride. Rode it 2 times.

Ricochet - 9/10

The best wild mouse I've been on! I really enjoyed the turns after the first drop. Also like the new design of the Mack train. Rode It 2 times.

Rebel Yell - 1/10

I thought I was on the Mean Streak! NO AIRTIME! I didn't even staple myself and still didn't get any airtime. Rode it 1 time.

Hurler - 1/10

Again NO AIRTIME. The only reason it got a 1 is because I like the turn after the drop. Do you see a trend start to develop here? Rode it 1 time.

Grizzly - 1/10

And finally, once again, I got absolutly NO AIRTIME. The best part of the ride was when it was over. Rode it 1 time.

Shockwave - 5/10

This ride wasn't too, too rough. The restraint's are the most bizarre thing I ever saw on a coaster! I even got a rare bit of airtime on one of the hills. Rode it 1 time.

7th Portal - 10/10

Wow. Amazing. Stupifying. Spectacular. This is a must see show at PKD. Proboally the best simulator I was on. Kudos to Stan Lee amd PKD on this ride.

Meteor Attack - 10/10

Again an amazing ride.


Overall I had a good time at the park. The park was pretty clean and only one ride was down (Hypersonic) But I would have to think twice about going to the park again.


SCENERY: 100/10

Now I know why BGW got most beautiful park 9 years in a row. Wow.


Ireland - 10/10

I really enjoyed the theming here. A little on the small side but a very neat place to walk around in. Irish Thunder (Riverdance type show) was alright and Castle O'Sullivan wasn't that great.

Heatherdowns - 10/10

Didn't spend too much time in here, but once again a great place to be.

Festa Italia & San Marco - 10/10

My favorite land. The theming here I think is the best in the entire park.

Oktoberfest & Rinefield - 10/10

This one wasn;t one of my favorites but I still enjoyed it. Definetly check out the Das Festhaus.

FOOD: 10/10

A must eat place is at the Grogan's Grill in Ireland. Get Annie Grogan's stew. It will blow your mind! Also, La Cuccina in Italy is a good place to eat at.


Sky Ride - 10/10

Definetly better than the one at Ced.....nevermind. It was a very good ride and gave a nice overview of Heatherdowns and Aquitaine. Also, I forget which sky ride gives a very nice view of all of Ireland. Rode the full circuit.

Corkscrew Hill - 9/10

After riding 7th Portal and Meteor Attack this just didn't compare. It was fun but not one of my fav's. The line is also a bit decieving looking at it from the outside. Rode 1 time.

Wilde Maus - 5/10

Ricochet is a lot better. End of story. Rode 1 time.

Loch Ness Monster - 8/10

My dad rode this ride whenever it didn;t have any of the loops in it so we had to ride it. This was my second favorite Arrow looper, only being exceeded by the one, the only, the Steel Phantom. Rode it 2 times.

Big Bad Wolf - 10/10

Blows Iron Dragon out of the water. Every turn in this ride swings you out to the side. My favorite was obviously the swing over the Rhine River. Rode it 3 times.

Alpengeist - 100/10

This is one big butt ride! I didn't really grasp the concept that I went 195 feet in the air until I looked at it from the ground. The drop after the brake run is really, really neat. Also it as the first time that I rode a ride with an immelman! A little tip: Sit in the back two seats. Rode it 10 times.

And new undisputed number 1 roller coaster

Apollos Charoit - 1,000,000,000,000,000/10

I truly didn't think that this ride would live up to the hype, but it did. I got the most airtime on this ride than on ANY other ride. It's also the smoothest coaster I have ever ridden. It seemed like on every hill I got maximum airtime! I was totally blown away whenever I got off of this ride. Tip: Sit in the back seat. You won't regret it.


What can I say a great amusement park. My new favorite park.

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy your ride to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot!

*** This post was edited by raptorfan02 on 6/23/2002. ***

I, too, was at BGW 6/17 to 6/20. I do not do trip reports as I am not that good at writing them. To comment on some of the things posted....

Grogan's in Ireland is the place to go for food as well as beef brisket at Three Rivers Smokehouse in New France. Actually all the food is fantastic.

I preferred Alpengeist over Apollo's Chariot as my fave at the park. The lift is deceiving until you see the actual twisting first drop. I loved this ride. My favorite invert. Apollo is still a very good coaster but after riding Raging Bull, I like the combination of laterals with my air time and Apollo did not do it for me.

I thought "Irish Thunder" was the best show in the park (next to "Imaginique" - did you get to see it?)

I will agree BGW is a phenomenal park and is also my favorite theme park.

X Factor

SFWoA: An Unofficial Guide

X Factor,

No I did not see Imaginique, but I rode by the show whenever I was in the train. :)

Enjoy your ride to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot!

I'd have to disagree with you on the Woodies at PKD. I don't know what you did, sat in the middle? I get crap load of Air time on Grizzley and Hurler. Rebel Yell is occasional lift, but, you must locked yourself in and didn't do much. If you didn't get ANY Airtime on the Tunnel on Grizzley, something is wrong with you!

Sit in the front of back, and you'll get a crap load of air time!

I agree, Apollo's Charoit was just an awesome ride and is my number one steel coaster too. Did you say your dad rode Loch Ness Monster without loops. I didn't know it didn't have loops before, interesting

RCTfan, I did sit in the back on all the woodies, I left my lap bar more loose than on most wooden coasters. You want airtime on a wooden coaster, go to SFWoA and ride the Villian.


Yes I did say my dad rode Loch Ness without loops. He said it wasn't that great though.

Enjoy your voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot!

Loch Ness, without loops?

While the wood at PKD may be slightly rough & in need of some TLC, they do offer airtime. Although, as we all know, sometimes things just don't deliver, days without air, days with air. Especially Hurler, the first two cars'll have you up on the first couple of hills. The best air I've ever felt with individual lapbars, outside of the Georgia Cyclone.
Rebel Yell backwards always leaves that sensation of almost falling out with me for a few minutes after a ride, & even forwards, in the third seat, there's air.

Anyways, just got back last night from two days at PKD, & the rides were running great, WHEN they were open.

Too bad you didn't ride HypersonicXLC. Great Trip Report!

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

what do you mean Loch Ness without loops??? its always had loops, so id like to know how he acccomplised that. also....i have to agree with RCT fan....the woodies at PKD are packed with airtime! maybe you just didnt feel it.....who knows. im sorry you didnt enjoy them....good tr though, very thourough :)

hey...thats my story..and im stickin by it!!! :)
PKD 2003...drop rides will never be the same...Intamin rocks!! :)


Now I have never been to PKD... so I can't comment on the wood coasters first hand. However, giving them all a 1 out of 10? Just a suspicion... but I have the feeling that you are not that much of a wood coaster fan.

Gotta wonder about that "Loch Ness Monster with out loops" comment myself. Someone got confused somwhere.

General Comment:

Someone mentioned that beef briskitt at the Three Rivers Smoke House in New France at BGW. I will second that vote! The ribs and chicken there is pretty good too.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

*** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 6/26/2002. ***

Ya what does LNM without loops mean?

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

I don't know how old LNM is..........but even when I was 5 or 6 years old I remember my schoolfriends who went to BGW on vacation talking about LNM and how it did loops over water. And that was........*cringing*..........25 years ago!

LNM was built in 1978. My family visited there in 1977... the year before. I can remember the TV commercials for it... it had loops from the beginning.

Finally... in 2002 I returned to BGW and got my first ride on it (only 25 years after my first visit).

I went on this same trip last year and wasn't dissapointed with the woodies thatttt much at Pkd. They didn't pack a whole lot of air but there was some. Overall I liked Pkd almost as much as Pki.

Bgw is just one of the best though. My second favorite park behind Cedar Point. I'll be at Magic Mountain late July so I hope I can move these 3 around a little. Oh well back to Bgw, this park was awesome. My signature probably won't show up, but if it did then you'd see Apollo's is in my top 5 as it blew me away. I went into it thinking that it wouldn't be all that great but it was awesome. The food there was the best of any park I've ever been too. Every food place they have there, is outstanding.

Well, glad you liked Bgw, I wish you would've liked Pkd better though.



I'll have to tell my dad that. Maybe they had another coaster there?????? And also, I'm not that big of a fan of wooden coasters, I like steel better.

Enjoy your voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot!

Busch Gardens Williamsburg previously operated both a Schwarzkopf Wildcat and Jet Star 3, so perhaps that is what your father remembers as The Loch Ness Monster. Nessie's always had her loops, though.

As for PKD's wood - I'm not a big fan of it either, but Grizzly does give air. It's not *Phoenix* air, but it is air :) But then, when I was last at PKD, it felt like death, so that could taint my opinion.

~~~ Maddy ~~~

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