PKD / BGW 6-14 and 6-15

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PKD - 6-14-02

Hypersonic did not test all day. The train was in the station with the water dummies in the back seat. While walking to Grizzly, you could see the "cages" stacked up behind the maintenance area of Hypersonic. Only time will tell.

This was a trip especially for 8 year old Ashley. She wanted to ride every coaster she was tall enough for. (She is only 51".) She ended up doing exactly that. Mind you, this was the first time for her on most of the coasters. The lines were very short on all rides except for Volcano, which did not matter since she could not ride it anyway. We started on Grizzly, then took the rounds on Hurler, Rebel Yell and Ricochet. (Nice drop on Ricochet!) After a few rides, Ashley was in the front seat with her little hands up! The Hurler gave her a hard time, though. Her 55lb. body did not want to stay in the seat at all. I kept my hand on her leg just to make me feel better. None of the wood coaster lap bars come down far enough on her for my liking, but she was fine and had a ball.

Next came Anaconda. I knew she would back out, but she surprised me and jumped right in. This was the biggest coaster she had ever tried before. She was fine going up the lift, but closed her eyes going down. As we came out of the second loop, I looked over at her and she was saying "Whee!!" with her hands up the best she could. Needless to say, this was to become her favorite and we re-rode several times.

We had a great day and Ashley rode to her hearts content. Luckily, the lines stayed short all day and everything moved pretty fast. Triple Spin was also a big hit for her. I can ride coasters all day, but I don't do spins or circles! The only disappointment was Avalanche stayed closed all day. Oh well, can't have it all at PKD. Something is always closed. :)

BGW - 6-15-02

We told Ashley that she was really in for a treat now! We told her that Anaconda's "sister", Nessie,was there and she should love it. When we went to purchase tickets, we could not resist and went ahead and got the Platinum Plus Passports. They now have EZ-Pay where they will draft your checking or credit card account each month for $10.83 per passport. I now get to look forward to 2 years of unlimited access to BGW!

The first ride was of course Nessie. Ashley kept asking where the corkscrews were. After she got off, she said she liked Anaconda better. She liked going upside down more. Go figure. Next, we had to ride Apollo's Chariot, but since Ash could not ride, we had to do the child swap. I love this ride. This made my 34th ride on it and I still can't get enough.

To make up for that, we then went straight over to Big Bad Wolf. This was also Ashley's first ride on it. She did not seem impressed too much. It was then that I realized she was a PKD fan to the core. But that is ok. They do have a lot for her to ride. Next year maybe I can show her the thrills of AC and Alpengeist. I want her to experience all of it if she wants, and let her make up her own mind. She ended up riding everything that she was tall enough for, so we bought her a "Cry Babies Don't Ride" keyring. She was very proud of herself.

We spent a lot of time the rest of the day doing other things. Corkscrew Hill was awesome. We liked the horseback ride a lot! BGW is a great park to just take your time and enjoy the atmosphere. Even though I didn't do my usual power riding on AC and Alpengeist, it was a perfect trip just to see Ashley have a good time. (We also ate a lot. At Festa Italia, our Passports saved us 30% off of the lunch bill....very cool.)

Take a kid to a theme park. You will be surprised how much fun it can be.

Thanks for reading!

Nice TR!

I had similar experiences with my little brother 2 years ago, at the same two parks. He was 52" tall and his favorite ride was also Anaconda, followed by Loch Ness and Big Bad Wolf. I loved watching his reactions to all the rides.

My congratulations to Ashley!

I second the congratulations! When you get off of BIG coasters the first time, it's such a sense of accomplishment. I remember it well. Welcome to the world of coasters, Ashley! :)

Sorrrrrrrry folks! Parks closed. The moose out front should have told you.

i love hearing about kids falling in love with coasters.

seek first to understand
then to be understood

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