Fascination was a bingo-style game, you rolled balls into holes to light up lines, and when you got the whole row you won. You'd win coupons that could be saved from season to season or traded in for some good prizes, even up to televisions/stereos (for tons of tickets, of course!). Of course, the game was a race against all the current players, and it could last a minute or two or under a minute depending on how the balls roll. A good draw was that it was only 25 cents a game. Unfortunately, and to the dismay of many, Fascination has been removed for this year -- replaced by the Johnny Rockets 50s themed restaurant. A lot of people have been put out about the game's removal because it was announced just a few months ago, long after the park closed -- sentimental, but you never got to play that "last game." Like the sentimental Pirate Ride, it will be missed!
Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.