Pics from opening day at SFOG

I took some pictures on opening day at SFOG. If anyone is interested you can see them here.
***Link deleted by Kryten. I thought this was a coaster enthusiast site where people would appreciate the pics. My mistake.***

There was hardly anyone there and we were able to walk on to most of the rides with no waiting. We even got to ride some rides several times without getting off. *** Edited 3/9/2004 9:33:10 PM UTC by Kryten6000***

Was the new children's coaster open?

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Not yet. As a matter of fact they haven't even started building it yet. As far as I could tell the new rides at this point are nothing more than clear patches of dirt. I was looking forward to seeing the kiddie coaster. Last year I took my then 3 year old daughter to Visionland and she loved the kiddie coaster. She loved it so much she wanted to go on Rampage but she's about a foot too short. hehe. I was hoping the kiddie coaster was finished so I could take her to ride it but I guess we'll have to wait a while.
john peck's avatar
Were any of the new rides open? Or at least, close to being open?
As far as I could tell the new rides at this point are nothing more than clear patches of dirt. They have signs that tell the name of what is going to be there but no pictures or explanations. All of these rides are pretty simple so they should be able to put them together pretty quick. Hopefully they'll be up soon.
GASM looks really good after it's re-paint this year.
Bummer.....I am going to be in ATL next weekend and am goign to stop by for a few hours....I was hopign to ride the new one. That really sucks that they haven't even started building yet! (.....withholding anti-Six FLags rant.....)

Oh well, maybe I can get my Deja Vu never runs when I'm there. Please tell me it was open! :)

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Shake, Rattle, and Roll is getting close to ready. Hopefully it'll open within the next few weeks.

"On the moon nerds get their pants pulled down and spanked with moonrocks."

Aren't on-ride photos against the rules now? I'd be careful posting photos taken on-ride now because of secondary consequences that could happen. Nice pix otherwise.

Wood - anything else is an imitation

Deja Vu was closed all day. It was open most of the time last year though so hopefully it will be open a lot this year.

As for the pictures being against the rules, what are they going to do, track me down and send me a letter telling me not to come back to the park. I've only ever done this this one time and I made sure the camera wasn't going to go anywhere. I had it secured to my watch and tried to break the watch and the strap before doing this. I did my research and there was no way it was going to hurt anyone other than myself if it slipped out of my hands. At no time did it come out of my hands. I would never do anything on a ride that would endanger anyone else besides, I did everything possible to make sure I didn't lose or damage my digi-cam.

Do we have to have this argument again?

I suspect that the CBuzz Powers That Be will be none too happy about you posting a pointer to them here. Don't be surprised if your link is edited away.


Kryten: I see you're new here. Welcome to CBuzz. Save yourself some time and read this thread.

*** Edited 3/9/2004 9:14:16 PM UTC by Brian Noble***

Kryten, he does have a point. Enthusiasts have gotten into SERIOUS trouble this last year for onride photos. Some have even gotten banend from parks. While we all think we can do it safely, but accidents do happen.

The worst part is several dozen of us were at a park last year when one of our fellow enthusiasts died when she did something foolish.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
She didn't secure herself in the restraint properly. I don't see how this is the same. Nothing I did killed or could have killed anyone. I've only done this once and since most of the pics didn't turn out that great I decided it wasn't worth it to do it again. You can tell me that its breaking the rules and that people are getting banned for that and I would appreciate the heads up. Pointing me to a thread about someone dying due to bad judgement and trying to compare it to what I did doesn't make sense. The link has been removed. Everyone can calm down now.
Do you have a season pass? If you do, taking on-ride pictures would be grounds for revoking the pass. Park operators DO NOT CARE if you think taking on-ride photos is safe. They care if you break the rules, which you clearly did.

Pictures like this just make enthusiasts look bad as a whole. I know a lot of park operators who cringe at the thought of hosting enthusiast events because some people just have no respect.

Closed topic.

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