Phoenix Phall Phunphest 10-5-02

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Well it started with a long 2 and a half hour drive from New Jersey to Elysburg. We got there around three to a full parking lot. I got dropped off at the front and went to buy some tickets. I got some and then went to my first ride The Haunted Mansion. It was a walk-on Still a great dark ride which shouldn't me missed. Next I bought and admission to PPP for 15$.

Next I went over to Phoenix for a walk-on ride. It was running pretty fast but it wouild get better later. Next I walked over to the Phlyers. It was a 5 minute wait and I got a great ride with some great snaps.

Then I went to Twister. I walked up the queue line for another walk-on. Twister was running fast but no airtime. After I got off I went to Phoenix for another two rides. Both felt like the were getting better. Right before my second ride they added another train which was neat to see. Still a nice ride and we got stuck on the lift:! Then I went to Whirlwind which was short and boring and had no line.

Next up was Power Surge. One of my favorite flat rides. It was another walk-on. Your hanging into your restraint a lot. After I got off that I went to DownDraft for a ride. It was pretty fun. After that I looked to see what the line was like for free pizza but it was packed so since I was there I took another ride on the Haunted House which was still a walk-on.

Next I went back to the Phlyers for another great ride with some excellents snaps By now I was getting hungry so I waited in line and went got my pizza and drink at Cesari's. The pizza was pretty good. Next I walked over to the Coaster Trade and looked at some things but didn't by anything. There I saw RobbAlvey selling his coaster videos.

I then walked to Phoenix for another ride. By then they were starting to take the PPP handstamps. Phoenix was giving some violent airtime which was awesome. Next I went to the Antique Cars which was fun because I kept getting hit in the back even though it says no bumping

Buy now it was getting dark. I bought myself a PPP shirt went to Twister for another ride. There I saw STChick video taping things and Magnum Force with his Magnum Hat Twister was running good but still no airtime.

Next I went back to Power Surge and was on the ride Kara was video taping on. That was funny how the spun you guys sideways right before they started the ride and looked pretty hard to hold on to! Then I went Mini Golfing which was one of the best I have played on. After that I went back to Phoenix for the 5 most incredible wooden coaster rides. Phoenix now is tied for my #1 wood with Boulder Dash because I of the violent airtime with the fog and Halloween lights.

By now it was getting late so I went into an arcade and played some games. The line for DDR was too long so I left. Overall it was a great day and a great park. I would recommend everyone to come to Phoenix Phall Phunphest next year and have Phun!!


*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN on 10/6/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN on 10/6/2002. ***

Hey great trip report! Pheonix Phall Phunphest was a BLAST this year! I met lots of great people and from the looks of it, I met magnum force too (I commented on his great hat).

Pheonix was crazy though last night. I dont think its ever given me so much airtime in all the years I have been riding it. And the phlyers were something else.

BullGuy's avatar
*Jealous as hell* This and Stark Raven Mad are the two events I *will* hit within the next 3 years. Knoebals seems like an excellent park, and an event which draws as much enthusiasts as PPP did makes it a sin to miss.

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

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