Phantom's Revenge trims installed

Posted | Contributed by cernelli

Anyone who had the chance to ride Phantom's Revenge during the 2001 season knows about the one train operation and the lengthy waits resulting from it.

This week, Kennywood installed a series of magnetic trim brakes at the end of the ride to slow down incoming trains enough for the brake run to be able to bring it to a complete stop before entering the station. We can now look forward to seeing two train operation next season.

Find pictures of the new trims as well as the Phantom’s Revenge Christmas tree in the Kennywood Boulevard gallery.

Link: Kennywood Boulevard

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Ouch, I didn't realize they still hadn't done that during the season.  How long were lines getting for this bad boy on busy days? 
Kicking screamin' Gucci little siggy.
Finaly at least on busy days we wont have to wait two hours for one time at least thats what I had to wait when I went this year.

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Are they ever going to make the tunnel on this ride?
On which hill are those brakes located (before or after the double-down)?  Either way, a two train operation will be very nice.  The one time I went to KW this year, the line was between 1 1/2 and 2 hours all day (on a Saturday). 
I haven't heard anything about a tunnel yet, but I do believe they're putting cement walls inside the trench.
Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I certainly hope they do make it.  From what it originally sounded like would have really added to the whole ride experience in general.
I don't know if you've had a chance to ride it without the tunnel (judging by your track record, you haven't), but the head chopper there is just as good as the one at the bottom of the second drop, and I'd hate to lose that.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

Don't know where they ended up, but the brackets for the trim brakes were on both uphill sides of the last two hills leading into the station. So assuming they stuck with that plan, the double-dip should have been unaffected. And assuming they did indeed go with the magnetic trims, by putting those on the uphill sides of the might not notice them hardly at all. Slightly less air on the top of the last peak before the station, but I doubt that it would be any worse than that.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Right now, they're located on the hill right after the turnaround. But I've been told that they might be moved to the hill leading up to the brake run in the spring, so that they affect the ride even less.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

Jeff's avatar
OK, I wasn't paying attention. Is that tall footer from Steel Phantom or the original shuttle looper?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I believe it was only used for the Steel Phantom, I don't think the Laser Loop went out that far, I could be wrong though.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

Geeze, one train for a hyper?
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I have heard before, I think while I was at KennyKon that KW is not ever planning on adding a tunnel to the ride. I think someone had asked that question and the PR stated that the tunnel is not going to be added because the train is going so fast, 80 mph or so that nobody would really notice the tunnel too much and you would be in and out of it so fast that there really is no point to adding it. And the PR also said that it ould cost too much money to just add one tunnel. I didn't think pice mattered too much, but then again. I think that is what was stated at KennyKon, and I'm sorry if I got that information wrong.
While on vacation this summer, I waited 2 hours for this ride.  While it was a very long wait, it was well worth it.

But with a line like that, I only got to ride it once!

An awesome ride, and the trims will really make this ride better capacity-wise.

Yes, I have ridden it.  I just don't update my track record frequently.  I liked it, but I like special effects on rides too.
Why wasn't this modification made earlier?  Seems kind of strange it wasn't all done at once, what was the reason?
Jeff's avatar
The ride opened late, for one thing, and for another I don't think they expected the ride to come in as fast as it did. That's odd, because you'd think they would be able to calculate the speed throughout the course. Then again, Arrow made the same mistake with the original ride.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Hennry Henniger of Kennywood claims he disigned the ride and the coaster company simply followed his outline.  With out two trains I am personally doubtful if there will be any major lines.

The view from the top is second to none, the unused enegery left over from the ride is a crying shame.  Needing more trims in my book is why the designs should be left to the professionals.  Oh what could have been . . .


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