Phantom Fright Nights~Kennywood

Associated parks:

This Trip Report is basically 2 visits combined. I was only suppose to go to Fright Nights once this year (on Sept. 27) but the park closed at 8:30 because of weather and issued return passes so we ended up using them last night. There were basically no waits on the 27th, so we were able to accomplish more then than last night.

The Mazes:

Morton Manor: This is my second favorite of the mazes. My favorite part was the piano guy near the entrance.

Terror Visions in 3d: Not as scary as a thought it would be. It was hard to tell what was real and what wasn't.

Noah's Ark: The gaint gorilla was there on the 27th but not last night. The ending with the shutters banging is interesting. The only part I didn't like was that the snake was shooting the stream of water out.

Zomie Fort: We were the first ones through this last night and it was far less scary as I expected. I'm quite surprised that no one jumped out of the tents.

Kennyville Cemetary: This is my favorite of the walk-thrus. It was set-up better than last year. This was also the only maze we really had to wait for.


Phantom's Revenge: Both nights we rode this as soon as we got there so I'm yet to experience it in the dark.

Thunderbolt: Both nights.

Racer: First time.

Jack Rabbit: Both nights. The effects in the tunnel are awesome.

Swing Around: One of my favorite rides there. Both nights.

Paratrooper: 2 times last night. My favorite ride there and seemed to never have much of a line.

Volcano: Both nights. Last night was probably the longest wait I had.

Musik Express: Both nights, surprisingly (not a big fan of it). First time riding it since 2001 though, seems a lot smoother and better since then.

Old Mill: I assumed that this ride wouldn't be open but it was. I took one last ride on it as the way it was but I'm looking foward to the changes.

Turtle: Both nights. I love this ride.

Other notes:

The Carousel, despite not being open, looked amazing. The lights, the fog, the skeltons were great. The effect I liked the most were the horses that were turned as if about to jump off the machine.

Much credit is given to the ones who changed all the light bulbs. That must've took quite a long time to do.

The red lights in the restrooms near the Thunderbolt we're rather interesting if you ask me.

Although the crowds were heavy in the midways, waits were far less than I expected.

My only complaints are of the cashiers in the fudge shop who seemed to care more about their conversation than serving a customer and at points along the midways, the fog was getting to me a little.

Overall, the park looked fantasic. Another great visit to Kennywood. :)

Idlewild Moments

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