PGA TR- 8-10

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This was my first time to this park, and I had a very enjoyable time. This park reminded me of a cross between magic mountain and my homepark Lagoon(probably many of you haven't heard of). The coasters were great, just short, in length and in height, nothing over 120 feet in height, and nothing over 3,000 feet in length (I'm pretty sure anyway). Lines got a little big, but nothing too extreme. Loading times were slow, and the rides did break down more to what I was used to, but it was no biggie. The park was clean, and there was plenty of shade and the cool bay breezes came every so often to cool us off from the heat. Anyway on to the ratings of the coasters-

Vortex-(4/5) my second stand up, although not that tall and not that long, I love this coaster, it's a lot more intense than I expected, the loop had some great +G's, it had plenty of twists to make the ride exciting, also I love the corkscrew on this ride, and you can get some -G's going into the brake run. Fun.

Top Gun- (5/5) my second B&M inverted. This ties with batman, if it was a couple hundred feet longer with a couple more inversions it would beat Batman, but this ride was very intense, my sight was going very blurry after the helix after the loop, talk about intense, the loop had so many g's my head seemed as it was going to explode, the barrel roll was also a highlight of the ride, then came the corkscrew, what else can I say except for intense, same goes with the diving helix literally a few feet above a mossy pond, then like all other rides at PGA it came to an end after the short ride. But that's ok, I don't know if I could last much longer with that much intensity. Get the front on this ride, the dive above the pond is great, especially when it's dark and your lucky enough to get the last ride of the night in the front seat, he he.

Grizzly- (2/5) slow, boring, and rough. I need more out of a woodie. First drop was fun though, the rest was pretty much a yawner.

Invertigo-(4/5) my first one, like a boomerang, except you face the person in front of or behind you, lot of fun,especially if your facing down the lift hill going up, it scared me though. That's what's going to be a fear factor on Deja Vu.

Greased Lightning- Closed, though I enjoy Montezuma's Revenge, I'm pretty sure this one isn't too much of a difference.

Psycho Mouse- (3/5) it was alright, though too many brakes, the highlight of the ride is when you hit the first drop out of the series of the sharp turns. and since when did a wild mouse have banked turns? all well, it was what I expected.

Demon-(4/5) fun and intense, they were only running one train since they had to test a brand new one right behind it. Loops were intense, the tunnels were fun, especially the one shaped like a demon and then you're turned sideways for a second before you hit the corkscrew.

Stealth-(5/5) Slow loading time, but the ride makes up for it, there is nothing like being turned face down like that, it really has a cool flying effect, all the elements were a lot of fun, not a boring part on the ride, I really like the part after the turn around after the loop where you drop and you're a few feet above a tunnel on the log ride, very unique. I liked this ride a lot, just needs to be longer.

This park was more crowded than marine world, a lot more teenagers too, I guess cause it's more of a coaster park and doesn't have animals. I was sad to leave since the next morning I was to leave from the beautiful bay area to back home, I hate coming home from vacations.

*** This post was edited by Coaster Steve on 8/13/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Coaster Steve on 8/13/2001. ***
Could you use paragraphs for the rides. That would help a lot. Thanks!

Back to the trip report. Awesome TR. I really like Top Gun, but my eyes weren't seeing any black.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 8/13/2001. ***
Sorry,it does look a lot better now, thanks for the advice, I put spacing on my first post, but then I noticed it didn't do anything. Thanks again.

"come on Johnny, put him in a body bag, yaaa!!" -Tommy from Karate Kid
Thanks! That helps a lot. Now I my eyes don't hurt (joking).

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
I was at PGA on the 8th. After thinking about it, I think I like Top Gun more than Batman. B&M don't make 'em like Top Gun anymore, and that's really a shame.

Lagoon's my homepark too!

*** This post was edited by Screamer on 8/13/2001. ***
Hey that's cool screamer, actually I was there on the 9th, not the 10th so I missed you by a day. You're right, they don't make em like Top Gun anymore, the only thing Batman has over Top Gun is # of inversions, but come to think of it Top Gun beats Batman on other categories such as layout, I love coming so close to that pond, and Top Gun's first drop is more fun than Batman's. So maybe I do like Top Gun better than Batman. Say, where do you live, Screamer? Lagoon needs a new coaster, something big. Don't ya think?
"come on Johnny, put him in a body bag, yaaa!!" -Tommy from Karate Kid
I live in Orem, Utah, right next to Provo, if you didn't already know where it is.

Yes, Lagoon needs a big coaster... soon! Rumor is that they're getting a Spinning Wild Mouse next year and that just doesn't cut it for me.
Ya, I know where Orem is, I go up there every so often with my friends to play at Seven Peaks. A Spinning wild mouse? I have a feeling Lagoon isn't rounding up the bucks, but they do get quite a few guests, so they should have some money. Man, they already have a wild mouse, why get a new one that spins? they desperately need something like an inverted or a hyper (highly doubtful) atleast something over 100 feet.

"come on Johnny, put him in a body bag, yaaa!!" -Tommy from Karate Kid

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