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Alrighty, well here is my trip report from PGA. We went the day of those riots that I'm sure you guys have all heard about. It was crazy. Anyways, we had a *great* day, but we had to leave around 6:00 because they shut the park down. All the rides were running great, and for a saturday, the park was not that crowded. On to the coasters:

I went with three friends, two of them had never been to PGA and so I wanted them to experience my favortie ride at the park first.
Once in the park, we walked directly to Stealth, but they had the entrance roped off. We waited 15 minutes, and then they finally let us in. We waited about 30 minutes due to break-downs. We would have been in the second train of the day, but the restraints were having problems, so we ending up waiting longer. When we boarded the train, my friends started to get really nervous, but I told them they had nothing to fear and that the ride is great. On the lift hill, they started to scream and laugh, and they ended up loving the ride. Personally, I also love this ride. Yes, vekoma makes it but I really do think it is a quality coaster that succesfully simulates flight. I was screaming during the entire ride, and the vertical loop is amazing. The double corkscrew element is quite slow, but still manages to offer great thrills. It also looks a lot slower then it really is. When you speed towards that shed it really feels like your going to crash. Stealth is one of my favorites.

~Top Gun~

The wait for this bad boy was about 45 minutes and went very quickly. They were luckily doing two train operation(as opposed to Stealth's one train) and that made the wait much less lengthy. When we boarded the ride, my friends and I were excited and ready to experience the coaster. Top Gun probably has the loudest lift hill of any inverted coaster out there. It was SCREECHING. Anyways, the drop was fantastic and the zero-g roll of course was amazing. The helix over the water is quite thrilling as well. Even though it's not the most recent coaster, it still manages to draw quite a crowd. Great ride!

~Psycho Mouse~

Call me crazy but I love these little rides! They are awsome! Those quick, tight, turns are sweet. There are trims on the ride, which really slow it down. But, the ride had great pacing and overall it was damn fun! We waited about 30 minutes for Psycho Mouse, and when we were in the que line, my friends were all "oh my god, this ride looks so boring!" When they got off, they thanked me for forcing them on it. Fun,quick, fast, intense, and an overall great ride.

~Greezed Lightning~

This shuttle loop coaster rocks. Yes, the one at KBF is better, but this one is still quite fun. There is never any wait, and the ride ops were giving us re-rides. We probably went on it about 15 times all together. My friends loved the lap-bar only restraints! The loop is powerful and the launch is very exciting, but the station could use some work. Paint was chipping everywhere, and those breaks were so loud we shuddered everytime the turned on. Good ride overall.


This coaster was running two trains and had a pretty long wait. I think we waited 45 minutes in the end. Due to EXTREME line jumping, we were all VERY glad to finally board the train. The ride is short and sweet, and has a good speed on it. The rock caves add to the thrill and I enjoyed it. The vertical loops are pretty intense and the 2 corksrews happen very fast. It was like a blur! My friends thought it was "just ok" but I liked it a lot.The Demon seems to be one of PGA's most popular coasters even today.

Invertigo and Vortex both had waits up to 3 hours and since I had ridden both before(Vortex is way short but a good ride and Invertigo is intense and even scary in some parts) I decided to skip them this trip. We rode some flats like Revolution(a looping pirate ship, I don't know the official product name) and Delerium(an AMAZING brand new flat ride that is I think it's a KMG afterburner, but I'm not sure). At 5:00 we saw this giant steel dome shaped thing in the air and we wanted to know what it was. Much to our liking, it turned out to be Xtreme Skyflyer(skycoaster). We made reservations and an hour later we were ready to fly. There were 4 of us, and at $20 per person, this thing isn't cheap. But, in my honest opinion, it is worth it(I would pay up to $30 for it). As we were slowly raised higher and higher, my palms suddenly got very clamy and I started to get extremely nervous. Before I new it, they made the signal to pull the string(to release yourself, make yourself "fly") and down we went! I don't think I have felt a feeling like that in my life. It was amazing, words can't even describe it. We free-falled downwards at 70 mph(roughly) and then suddenly SWOOPED upwards and swung back and forth a few times. All I said the entire time was "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD." Wow, what am amazing attraction!

That basically concluded our day, as we left right after that. We had a great time, and I think I might like Paramount parks just a tiny bit more than Six Flags parks, but hey...their both great companies.
"There's no such thing as a mistake. There's what you do, and what you don't do."

*** This post was edited by Cali-Coaster-Fan on 5/3/2002. ***

Glad you had fun at PGA and feel the same way I do! Your really exaggerating on waits for Vortex and Invertigo being 3hrs. Invertigo can get three hours but Vortex with one train won't even get that on the most crowded day of the year! Demon a 45 minute wait! Incredible! That ride never has a wait, but at least your in the Demon fan club like me! I really like all the coasters at PGA, and think Pyscho Mouse is also good. It's s shame you didn't get to ride Drop Zone, but the Xtreme Skyfyler had to have more than made up for that! So let me know, were did the lines to Vortex and Invertigo, and Demon extend to? Vortex ususally never has the switch backs open, so you may of seen people spilling out of the queue. One of the reasons I like Vortex is the short wait... So how did they evac you guys, and what were all the fights like? Several skirmishes, or a few riots of people falling all over the park? Great TR glad you had fun at Northern Califronia's Most Thrilling Theme Park!

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don' you love SF ?

Todd: People were totally spilling out of Vortex's que line and the sign next to the entrance said 2 hours and 45 minutes.It was crazy. I know I am going to be bashed for this but I didn't want to ride Drop Zone(yes, I am afraid of drop towers) so I decided to do Xtreme Skyflyer instead. I was actually on the skyflyer when my dad came running up to me and my friends and he was all "you guys, we got to go, there are cops everywhere and they want everyone to leave." I looked around a little bit and I hear a lot of screaming and yelling but nothing serious. When we left the park is when it got bad. There were at least 15 people driving around with the doors open, just BLASTING rap music. It was absolute mania. Whenever I go, the Demon always has a long wait. The line for Demon started at the base of the stairs(do you know what I'm talking about?) But, the park honestly was not that crowded. It sure has changed though. It was a lot cleaner and nicer then I remember it being.
"There's no such thing as a mistake. There's what you do, and what you don't do."
I'm a Demon fan too...:)

You should have tried Drop Zone, it is a lot less scary then a skycoaster.
SFEG awaits The Flying Coaster-coming in 2002!

That's an increbile Vortex story! I was afriad of Drop Zone to, but I knew I was missing out on thrills so I rode, and now it's my 2nd favoirte thrill ride of all time, I think I'll have to ride it some more, becuase after 1 ride, I am still not that excited to ride it agian, just like S and S Space shots, I have to get used to them. Are the stairs the area right before the cutbacks before the station?

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don' you love SF ?

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