Personalizing Coaster Buzz T-shirts

Hey guys. My boyfriend and I just ordered our Coaster Buzz shirts and had a brainstorm: why not put our screen names on the back so other Coaster Buzzers know who we are? We've seen others wearing Coaster Buzz shirts, but it's strange approaching them and saying "Hi, who are you?" I don't know if anyone else knows what I'm talking about, but many stores sell iron-on letters (Wal-Mart, craft stores, fabric stores, etc.). We're thinking of making it look something like a sports jersey. A  Coaster Buzz team in the making? Hey, it's possible. Is anybody else out there interested in doing this too, or does anyone have any other suggestions?
A fun new game at Cedar Point: When sitting in the car eating a picnic lunch, place part of a sandwich on the car's hood, get back in the car, and wait. Why watch "The Birds" when you can live it?
You should be able to get iron-on letters at a sporting goods store.  OR, if you're willing to pay a bit, you could take the shirt to said sporting goods store and ask them to apply your name to the back.


How about your member name and user#?  ;)

My page  My other page  And my coaster page

Awsome idea!! Then if I saw someone I could say,"Hey,______,whats up!!!"
B&M King of Coasters!
How about a link to our user info page?

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
The times they are a-changin'

My screen name on the back really would make it look like a sports jersey...

Matt Lynch, who thinks the best thing the late XFL did was allow players to customize their jerseys. HE HATE ME...
Co-Webmaster : Kennywood Boulevard

I haven't decided yet if I want my real name or my Coaster Buzz name on my shirt, or maybe both. I just don't want to have too many words on me or I'll end up looking like a walking billboard!
A fun new game at Cedar Point: When sitting in the car eating a picnic lunch, place part of a sandwich on the car's hood, get back in the car, and wait. Why watch "The Birds" when you can live it?
Robodud's avatar
cernelli:  Speaking of clicking on info, I noticed you were born one day before me.  Cool

Lynch:  Your name is already on a sports jersey!!

I think it is a great idea to have your screenname on the t-shirt.  It would be nice to know who the buzzer is that you are talking to.  But... how will Jeff feel about this?

***Why can't all parks have a Millennium Force?***

Actually, a few sports jerseys. There's a player for the Philadelpha 76ers named George Lynch, and also a Tampa Bay Buccanneer by the name of John Lynch.

Throw in Merrill Lynch, Peter Lynch, and David Lynch and you've got a fairly famous last name. ;)

Anyway, not trying to speak for our soon-to-be-vacationing webmaster, but I don't think he'd have a problem with it. I mean, you're not like turning it into an anti-CoasterBuzz shirt. And besides... you already paid for it.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster : Kennywood Boulevard

Lynch said:

Anyway, not trying to speak for our soon-to-be-vacationing webmaster, but I don't think he'd have a problem with it.

Especially if we add "Jeff Rocks!" or "Jeff is my Hero!" on the back too..LOL.

A fun new game at Cedar Point: When sitting in the car eating a picnic lunch, place part of a sandwich on the car's hood, get back in the car, and wait. Why watch "The Birds" when you can live it?

Lynch...careful, yours may turn into the Lynch mob!

Ouch.  Sorry, couldn't resist.


Is there anyway to get the shirt in a white color? The yellow color doesn't appeal to me.

Don't Fight It: Ride It! Raging Bull

This topic came up already in the Suggestions forum.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

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