People sue over anything?

Check this list of accidents that have resulted in someone sueing. I love the guy who got hurt being hit from behind in a go kart. Some people sue over anthing happening. Bewarned it's super long.

Army rangers lead the way *** This post was edited by supermandl on 5/8/2001. ***

(22) Sky Splash [ Rossetti v. Busch Entertainment Corp.[35]

( “ The Sky Splash consists of a water slide on which small groups of park patrons descend in oversized rafts. At one point, the raft rose and came down hard, jolting plaintiff “ )];

Suing over a "jolt"?

(29) Pirates of the Caribbean [ Neubauer v. Disneyland, Inc.

( injuries to passengers when boat in which they were sitting was rammed from behind ); Walt Disney World Co. v. Blalock,( “ the thumb of a ten year old boy...was amputated ( when his boat bumped into another boat ) “)[42] ];

Somehow I bet his thumb wasn't where it should have been.

People these days....sheesh.

(36) El Toro Mechanical Bull [ Babine v. Gilley’s Bronco Shop, Inc.[49] ( patron thrown from mechanical bull and hits head on floor ) ];

hmmmmm, and what exactly is the point of this ride????;)

We are the keepers of the sacred words, Ni!, Peng!, and Nuuuuuwwwom!
(14) Whitewater Falls [ Faulkner v. Carowinds Amusement Park,[27]

( “ While standing in the viewing area of the ‘ Whitewater Falls ‘ ride...( She ) saw a hugh wave of water crash through a barrier and come toward attempting to evade this water, (she ) slipped on the slick floor and fell backwards “ )];


(33) Wild Moose Lodge [Sandow-Pajewski v. Busch Entertainment[46]

( while exiting the Wild Moose Lodge patron run over by another patron in a wheel chair )];

Why would you go after Busch? And how can you be that injured after getting hit with a wheelchair?

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!

(23) Wet’n Wild’s Wave Pool [ Wet ‘N Wild Florida, Inc. v. Sullivan.[36] ( patron injured pulling drowning victim from
wave pool )];

...And why exactly is the park responsible?
Did they hold a gun to your head and tell you to rescue that person?
Was it your job?
Were you obligated?

in one word... no.
Too bad this litigation legal brief is wayyyy too short and edited, as I would have liked links to the full story.

Most of the people suing are just plain stupid. I bet the defense (which I am also betting is legitimate) of the parks is that the patron injured did NOT obey all the rules or assume the responsibility of riding the ride and did so in a very careless manner (ie: not waiting till the ride came to a complete stop, not keeping the safty bar down, not sitting during the entire ride... etc)

Sure, SOME of those are legit... and I would fully support the patrons with their lawsuit. However,

(14) Whitewater Falls [ Faulkner v. Carowinds Amusement Park,[27]
( “ While standing in the viewing area of the ‘ Whitewater Falls ‘ ride...( She ) saw a hugh wave of water crash
through a barrier and come toward attempting to evade this water, (she ) slipped on the slick floor and fell
backwards “ )];

I'm pretty sure you should know those floors aren't made of fly paper. Treated wood gets slippery when wet. Pavement gets slippery when wet. Hell, even concrete can get a little slippery. It's common sense!
Jeff's avatar
Should I sue Toyota if someone hits me from behind in my car? Should I sue American Standard for getting frostbite on my butt when the toilet is cold in the morning? Should I sue the builder of my house because I bumped into a wall in the dark?

Stupid people suck.

Webmaster/Admin -
Amen Jeff.

The one that always sticks in my mind is the incident at Sea World (Florida?) a little while ago. Some guy hid in the park until after it was closed. He then stripped and jumped in the Shamu tank. They found him dead in the water the next morning. The family actually had the gall to sue Anheuser-Busch! What a joke. Thank God the case was thrown out.
Can't help responding to this one. I have been working in litigation for years and the unfortunate thing is that so many of it has lead to taking FUN away from other people. Many rides I had ridden as a child in amusement parks I rode later in carnivals in Europe and they were WAY faster there. Sometimes litigation IS necesary and is a valuable resource for people. But, like everything else, people take advantage of the system instead of taking responsibility for themselves. The end result is that we all suffer. Remember several years ago when a women spilled her coffee at McDonald's on her lap (she was over 70)? She sued McDonald's because the coffee was too hot and burned her [private parts] badly. She won and McDonald's then started putting Caution: This stuff is HOT (paraphrasing) on every lid. DUH! *** This post was edited by Dirk on 5/9/2001. ***
staticman00's avatar
Thats all the 'injuries' for a period of 12 years (1987-99)? If all things in life were that safe...

"God help us, our lives are in the hands of engineers..."
--Ian Malcom
Crap, I just broke a fingernail while typing a post in this thread, better call my lawyer.
Jeeze...Some of these are as bad as the lady who sued McDonald's when she spilled her coffee.

No Bad Coasters, Just Some Better Than Others.
They are as bad as the lady that sued MCdonald's because they gave her hot fries. Some people really piss me off. Old Indiana would be my homepark only being about a half hour to 45 minutes away but some lady had to sue. The people that sue just ruin everyones entertainment.
Some guy sued a hotel chain because the shower water burned his genitals. Uh huh... Some master of the mind there.

Some people find Disney a nice expensive target. I saw a show where a woman confesses to having her brother come and beat her up in a Disney hotel, and then suing Disney over it. Kinda sick.

On another note, I'm thinking about suing Sony because my fingers are feeling funny from typing so much. How much you think I can get? $500,000 and damages?

It's coming...
But you know what? Some of these people got hurt at aumement parks, and considering we don't know the details of these cases, some of there complaints may be viable. I really don't think i am one to judge that just because i really like coasters. Accidents do happen at parks.....

The reason Old Indiana is closed is the result of a fatal accident that was caused by negligence on the part of park management,period. I'm very much in favor of some tort reform,but in this case litigation was definitely justified.

RagingBull said:
"Amen Jeff.

The one that always sticks in my mind is the incident at Sea World (Florida?) a little while ago. Some guy hid in the park until after it was closed. He then stripped and jumped in the Shamu tank. They found him dead in the water the next morning. The family actually had the gall to sue Anheuser-Busch! What a joke. Thank God the case was thrown out."

I can bet I know what the people who found him said....I SEE NAKED DEAD PEOPLE!!!
If FoF got that great of a makeover than why can't I?

"They are as bad as the lady that sued MCdonald's because they gave her hot fries. Some people really piss me off."

Wow, the fries were hot!? I'd bow down screaming I am not worthy if my Golden Arches's Fries were hot!
If FoF got that great of a makeover than why can't I?
Isn't coffee supposed to be hot?
If the park did (or didn't do)something that should or shouldn't have been done then it's there fault. Also, isn't there supposed to be a water splash on White Water Falls?

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
Stupid people shouldn't breath...


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