Visit this link, and allow the video to come up. Don't mind all the other parks shown in the PCW video. I have no idea why Volcano is in this video so much.
I have a strong suspicion we'll see this being built where International Showplace is now. That area is mostly dead, and Kingswood is a lot bigger than 2500 seats. The basics are there to turn International Showplace into what PCW_Josh outlined above.
As for those others who commented about this not being the official annoucement for 2006, I still think this is all that's happening. I doubt PCW would build this amount of marketing for season pass sales, and not include all thier new stuff for 2006.
The only thing I'm really having trouble trying to figure out is the routing of the new parade. Most of the paths around PCW are pretty tight and don't have alot of space for big floats to be going through.
There is also going to be a new show in the Action F/X theatre to replace Sponge Bob which is currently in it's 3rd season, so something new in there will be great too. Hopefully Vortex will get a repaint as well, it's been looking pretty bad lately. Skyrider could do with one as well.
For 2007 look-out for a couple new slides in the waterpark as well as a remtheming to something like Boomerang Bay. Then hopefully in 2008 or 2009 we'll get that signature B&M we've all been hoping for. I'm 2 for 2 on their last announcements (fearfest and stunt show) so hopefully I'll be right again! *** Edited 8/25/2005 12:04:10 AM UTC by bassman2003***
The Coaster Kid
Roller coasters are more than just rides, they're a reason for living
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