Parks that you've seen but couldn't go to...

Ever been riding along with someone and all of the sudden, there's a park (and if you're truly a coaster fanatic, you know what park it is ;))?

1. Kentucky Kingdom - Those trips to Orlando from Indiana. We pass it every time and I swear every year that I will go there, but never get to it!

2. Paramount's Kings Dominion - On a charter bus with school band on the way to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Didn't even know the route we were taking was going near it, but of course...there it was! I tried looking for Hypersonic, but had no luck.

3. Six Flags Over Georgia - Went somewhere and there were ads all over for SFOG. Aparently, we were close to it!

This also works for coasters, too:

Drachen Fire - I got to walk up so close to it this past's a shame it's SBNO.

Creator of Indiana Beach Online -

In the 1960s when I was a child,I remember going past Jantzen Beach Amusement Park in Portland,Oregon while riding in a cattle truck with my parents on our way to sell some old dairy cattle to the stockyards.The JB Big Dipper seems to tower over over the poplar trees that bordered the park.I never got to go to this park,even though it was only 25 miles from my home at the time.In 1970 it was announced that the park would close at the end of the season.The coaster was the first to go.Demolition began the day after July 6,the last day it operated.This coaster still made money for the park right up till the end with 5400 riding it on its' last day.
goin to hershey park, I drove by dorney park. I couldnt go.  But luckily two days later i went.

went to the aquarium by coney island but never rode the cyclone

rollergator's avatar
Parks:  Dorney (since visited), Hershey, PKD.  SFKK we went right by on the way to SRM, got there that weekend.  Hard to miss flying into Louisville.  SCBB was disappointing, closed for the season the previous day (while we were at PGA getting first, last, only ride on Stealth).  Drove by the "park" that later became SFA several times on the way to PKD. 

Coasters:  Drachen Fire, WindJammer, CI Thunderbolt, Flashback @ SFMM (down when we went last Oct. for some haunted house "thing"...bummer). PF @ IOA is another one I need to ride...

PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

I stayed at a hotel across the street from SFKK on a choir tour and was within 10 feet of Twisted Sisters at one point but we didn't go to the park.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

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About once a year I pass by Dorney Park because of a business-related trip, therefore I can't stop.  But then, I make up for it a few times during the summer!
i was at salsbury beach in salsbury,ma. about 1970 with my parents and a friend. i went to ride the rollercoaster and some man told my mother the ride was unsafe ,so she took me out of line and told me i couldn't ride. my friend rode it and said it was good. the next time i went there it was gone.
This isn't a park, but Stratosphere closed the tower because of winds, and I never get to go on the rollercoaster because its always broken.

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