Park model websites

Does anyone have links or know of any websites or personal pages with pictures of HO-scale model parks. Not just rides but the whole park. I'm curious to see what some model train builders have put together with the Faller and other model sets.
Okay, so I take it you've found this site?
Try these links out. You should find what your looking for through here.If you really want to see some spectacular looking models check this model maker he's from germany, he sell's his rides for like over $1000 a ride, but there just jaw droping, he is not doubt a real talented guy. The first link is all german there are pictures on the site but tough to find them. If you want to see them without hassle though click the second link he posted photos of his rides in another forum.

"the only thing I know is that life is short and the only time you've got left is luck"
Check these out:

And don't forget Ripple Rock :) (see sig)

It's not a whole park, but there are enough rides to make one... From somebody I'm proud to call my buddy, our very own Arrow Guy:
Michael, seeing Brad's model site is what lead me to making this thread. He does amazing work.

Ripple Rock is the kind of model I'm looking for. Very well done

I've seen models of parks or fairs in the Walthers catalogue and was hoping maybe the builders had placed pics online.

I remember an older ACE profile with a park featuring models and toys called Doug's Dominion. If Doug is on C-buzz I'd like to see more pics if available

Thanks for the links everybody

If you can wait until fall, CoasterDynamix will be introducing our new wooden coaster in HO scale. We hope to have pictures in about 6 weeks of the prototype. It should be really spectacular.
Mamoosh's avatar
Chris Gray of GCI is also a model builder but I don't know if he has a site for them. I know I've seen some pics on the web but don't remember the URL. I'll ask him about it.
Here it is:

Absolutely beautful work and a real inspiration for a future project of mine!

Mamoosh's avatar
Thanks for the link, Millrace. This weekend I got to see his model of GCI's woodie going to Finland...he does excellent work!
I guess I just missed running into you then! The Idora Park Wildcat was a beaut as well.
Mamoosh's avatar
Millrace - I was there from 8:30-11:30...where were you?
I was there from 10:00-12:00. Ascough was supposed to introduce us.
Mamoosh's avatar
I said hello to Rob when he and Lynette arrived [I was in the kitchen at the moment]. That Rob...what a selfish bastrad! ;)

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