"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"
What goes up Must Come Down, Lets hope it comes down really fast! Unfortunatly Vertigo came down too fast!
There is no force like Millennium Force!
Touch The Sky
Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!
Millennium Force......It has its ups and downs.
www.helpmeineedtorideacoastercauseithasbeentoolongsinceihaveriddenoneandiam goingtogocrazyoneverybodyreadingmysignaturerightnow.com
I have 32 coasters in my track record.....I'm so proud of myself.
http://sixflagsthrills.tripod.com/sixflagsthrills visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?
Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair :)!
I am currently getting the addresses and I am just going to write everyone ( with same computer typed letter). I am wanting to know how many stamps I will need and if you can send them without ever using any stamps?
SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit my new site, www.geocities.com/sfneguide for some great pics of SFNE and lots of other info.!!!
SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.
Newbie To Coasters said:
I am wanting to know how many stamps I will need and if you can send them without ever using any stamps?
Um, well, if you are sending someone a letter you have to use a stamp, or else it won't go through. That's kinda how it works.....
If the shoe fits, find another one.
Summer consists of 5 amusement parks!
Doing the park map request mailing list is something I've talked about doing for YEARS and never seem to get around to it. I, too have wondered about the success rate of such a venture.
I think though the poster above was asking about stamps to use on SASE's.
Parks though, generally are willing to send out park maps and promotional literature.
David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville
Soggy said:
All Six Flags park maps are downloadable through their web sites, same with Paramount parks. I was poking around SFMM's site when I stumbled onto them, I think it is a fairly new hting for them, to have it on the site.
Where were you poking Soggy? I've been looking for SFoG's map on there web site and can't find it.
Newbie To Coasters said:
I am currently getting the addresses and I am just going to write everyone ( with same computer typed letter). I am wanting to know how many stamps I will need and if you can send them without ever using any stamps?
You could always E-mail them, except I don't know what Six Flags' email address is.
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