Park Enthusiasts or Snobs?

Vater's avatar
teh best offseason EVAR.
Wow. I actually have to be away from my desk here at work for the better part of a day and miss all of this?!? Good stuff.

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is." --Texas Governor George W. Bush, April 9, 1999, on the US intervention in Kosovo
Mamoosh's avatar
Come on, gang...we're almost to 11 pages. Shirley we can come up with something to talk about!

What about those Philly

mOOSH [going against stereotype]

What about em?

I am just glad that my second fiddle, (the patriots) is still in the running..... w00t!

Actually I my team is the Jets but I am beginning to like the Rams although bulger blew it in the playoffs. Blast!!! *** Edited 1/15/2004 12:27:35 AM UTC by Antuan***

Fate is the path of least resistance.

Who's Shirley?

Are we there yet? Whose feet do I smell??

Philly Eagles? I like Philly Cheesesteaks! I don't know nuthin' bout no Philly Eagles.

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is." --Texas Governor George W. Bush, April 9, 1999, on the US intervention in Kosovo
1. Take it easy on Park Enthusiasts! Yes some might act like snobs, and some might not follow the rules, but you can't say that is how everyone acts! I am an Enthusiast, I love parks, roller coasters, and attending various coaster events! Nothing is better than being at an event and talking to various types of different people, along with enjoying the surronding environment. Yes some might complain, some might not be having as great of a time, but that comes with any type of crowd . Just because people complain doesn't mean that hey are snobs! People have the right to judge parks and rides. If I didn't enjoy a ride or a park or something about that park, then I might pass that view along to someone else, and that doesn't make it wrong.

2. If anyone has a problem with this web site than go somewere else! To go through all the trouble to register, and do nothing but complain about the industry or the people that do enjoy this site, I DON't UNDERSTAND?? Do you have nothing better to do than bash something that many people enjoy?? I just don't get it?? This is a great web site for any roller coaster enthusiasts, yes at times I don't agree with what everyone thinks or says, but that isn't the point of this particuliar site. It is a place for people to share thoughts, and views on any theme park topics.

3.If you can't stand enthusiasts that is your view! But don't go through all of the trouble just to put down a whole group of people who you know very little about!!

There is no such thing as a terrible Coaster just ones that haven't been taken care of

^There is no such thing as a terrible Coaster^

You've obviously never been on PGA's Grizzly!

Welcome to the boards! *** Edited 1/15/2004 2:18:36 AM UTC by jomo***

Sorry if I seem to come off as the "angry guy". I just get a little frustrated when I come to a site to read up on coasters, see the same sarcastic bit over and over again, and get lambasted every time I decide to post. And yeah, I do get POed when I'm getting racial insults slung at me by people who are too clever for their own good and think three posts define my personality. Sorry if I'm not in on it, but I just don't find this joke all that funny anymore.

(And I realize that I'll probably end up getting this topic closed for saying this, but hey...I'm so used to it by now that it's laughable. Gotta keep my sense of humor about me, right? :) )

[Nitro Dave -- Track Record: 231 coasters] [url=""]A Rapturous Verbatim[/url] & [url=""]A Tournament of Lies[/url] -- my blogs...they're blogtastic.
You are not alone in how you feel, Dave. I really doubt that anything you just said would get this topic closed though.

Now that I got everyone's attention, I would like to reply on topic about "snobs", if I may. I feel that when a person acts like a know it all at a park and points out every little detail that could be improved on, it's their right as a human. I don't, however, approve of said behavior. I know from experience where the mindset comes from though.

I was once in a popular rock/punk band (I'm not bragging like some people here would think, It's not nearly as a great achievment as some here have made). I thought I knew everything about the music biz, songwriting, and performing there was to know. I let it go to my head. People (fans, concert promototers, ect.) would treat me like I was the coolest person they had ever met. Everyone wanted to be my new best friend. I started to believe all of this.

After about 6 years with the band, my real friends and band mates told me that I had changed for the worse. I wasn't the same cool guy that they all knew back in high school. I was more cocky and arrogant, especially when it came to playing music.

That led to me wanting to change back into the fun and loving guy I used to be, so I decided to quit. I believed it to be the only way. Leaving the band was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do.

It hit me hard when I realized that I was at the point of no return(ing back to the band). How was I going to get myself back? This must have been how a cult member feels after everyone except for him drinks the poison kool-aid.

That's when I decided to shoot for one of my other dreams; go to work at CP. I was paddlewheel Capt. Travis (or some knew me as Capt. Crash). It really helped me to become a new person, but not exactly the kid I was in high school.

After another season at CP-this time as a Camp Snoopy ride opp, and 12 months at IOA for sh#ts and giggles, I moved back to PA to help my parents get past some illnesses. It was around this time that I realized that sometime while I was working at the parks, I had become the nice Travis that I used to be.

I know someone is now thinking "So what...What is the point of your STUPID life story? (I'm kind of thinking that as well). The point is...

Parks tell coaster enthusiasts that they are something special all of the time. They know that it is good business to massage our egos every once in while. That in turn creates a few "snobs", as we have called them in this thread. These people have a better understanding of how a park opperates, and therefor when they see something that is out of the norm, they point it out. It is almost what some people live for.

(flashback) Pointing it out is what I used to do when watching other bands who where opening for us. I would annalize everything they did and quietly laugh at the things I didn't like about them. I knew that it was unsportsmenlike, but I thought that I was better than them, when in fact these actions made me the opposite. (flash forward)

I once saw two Star Trek fans arguing about an episode number and wondered, "Why are they arguing about something so trivial?" Then I realized that coaster enthusiasts like me do it all of the time. This is a little different than being snobish; it's more like the two guys arguing about the speed or drop length of a coaster. I gave it some thought and came to the conclusion that like coasters, Star Trek is their life. It's one thing they have a passion for, just like us and coasters.

I hope that helps get yall to 11. It also allows me to step in and add my opinion of the REAL topic. Sounding preachie isn't my intention here, so I'm sorry if it does. I just had something to say.

*** Edited 1/15/2004 8:55:30 AM UTC by dexter*** *** Edited 1/15/2004 9:32:29 AM UTC by dexter***

Dude, that was the best reply to this reoccuring topic that I've ever read.

Everyone gets a little out of touch sometimes and that's normal. It might not be the best thing, but it happens. Just as long as, at some point, you can get yourself grounded in reality again and realize there's more to life than the little bubble that you're in all will be well.

Nice try Dex, your still on page ten though. ;)

I really don't think there are that many snobs though. Yeah, I've been to parks and events where I've wanted to slap people because of the way they talk to park representatives and employees. The tone in some of these peoples voices alone tells you they have no respect for anyone but themselves. But for the most part, it's a very small percentage of the group.

There is a way to talk to people and inquire about the things you don't agree with. Sadly it's a skill some people never master. Constructive criticism is not necessarily a bad thing. Condescending attitudes are!

Wood - anything else is an imitation [hey my sigs kinda snobbish isn't it?!] *** Edited 1/15/2004 7:46:10 AM UTC by Thrillerman***

Nitro Dave said:
I do get POed when I'm getting racial insults slung at me...

Racial insults? Hey, you're a white guy with your panties in a twist?

Why don't you get back to me when you're turned down for a loan, shown the back door out of the office for a job you're more than qualified for or denied an application for an apartment you can more than afford. You don't know what 'racial' is, only thin-skinned and whiny.

The links only share what I know with everyone else--if a crippled sense of humor was a handicap, you'd be at the front of every coaster line in America.

Meanwhile, you might wanna keep away from those horrible, no-good racist mirrors. I think they're hatching some sort of conspiracy to make you blend right in with the majority. Oh noooooo!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Nitro Dave said:
...but I just don't find this joke all that funny anymore.

That's too bad Dave, the rest of us find it freaking hilarious! :)

Except for me (raises hand and shrugs).
"Squawk! Not amused, Not amused! Squawwk!"

Should I respond or feed you a cracker?



*** Edited 1/15/2004 8:25:07 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

So brutal!! ;)

Wood - anything else is an imitation

Ok, I hate to cut one of our infamous "off-season" threads short, but I think this is getting a bit much.

Or that could just be me. *shrug*

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

dammit, you got me mad... I just spewed Diet Coke all over the cover sheet for my TPS report. Now I'm going to have to submit it without it and boy, Lumberg's gonna be pissed off. He just sent me a memo on this last week.

Closed topic.

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