Park embarassments you are afraid to admit..

Well, this isn't me but my friend was on the wild tea cups at SFEG with his gf right before they were gonna go on the ferris wheel for some "amusement park romance", but that plan changed when he heaved on wild tea cups and needless to say, he didn't get any "amusement park romance."

Well...when I was at SFWoA one of the many times I went last summer I was riding X-Flight.

When I ride it I like to just let my arms go limp and swing's alot of fun. Well When we went through the turn above the beginning of the lifthill and flipped over to the flying position my hand swung over and smacked the kid next to me in the face.

I had no clue who he was...just some kid that unfortunately got stuck riding next to me. :)

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~SFWoA Rules In 2002~With SFWoA ANYTHING Is Possible!

Last week at Santa Cruz I was getting off Ghost Blasters when a young lady was throwing up. All of a sudden i heard someone say "excuse me mam, you dropped your chili." Funny Stuff.

I have two stories - they aren't about me, but I witnessed them (and they're pretty cool....)

1. Raptor, Cedar Point, 1997. Man with artifial leg seen by myself boarding Raptor. 3 minutes later: Man returns, minus one leg. My guess is that it happened somewhere on the cobra roll.

2. Power Tower, Cedar Point, 1999. Woman ascending the UP tower "kicks" a BIRD in the head (her legs were straight out), bird is instantly killed and lands in the queue area. I guess the bird just didn't have a head for heights. (And what's more creepy is that during the week prior to this event, I was sitting by a window and a bird flew right into it.....oooooh, creepy).


Some good stories here, anyone else?

Planned Parks for this summer: SFoGa, CP, SFWoA, SFGAm, SFKK, PKI, MA, SFStL, HW, KW. Is 10 enough?
Cornerstone Festival 2002... I will be there

Kick The Sky's avatar
The only really bad thing that happened to me at a theme park is one time riding Magnum XL-200 in the back some chick near the front blew chunks and I ended up catching quite a bit of it on me. I smelled like barf for the rest of the day.

Bob Hansen

New Top 5:
5-MF; 4-X-Flight; 3-Hulk; 2-Kraken; 1-Raging Bull

I worked at CP a few years back and I was dragged out by my firends. (ride night is baiscally a night were you get free food, gifts, etc..and you ride rides within a certain section of the park) Well this night was for Power Tower. I have a deathly fear of this ride, borderling I'll start crying it's that bad.. (LOL) So I convince myself to get on the ride, unknown to me, my other friend who was dj'ing, was right next to me. He was wired for live feed throught the night. We are just about to get launched when... the crew decides to toy with my emotions (never let your roommate work a ride that you hate) After all the crew starts laughing, we get launched, I start screaming like Jaime Lee Curtis in Halloween, all the way up! When i get off, everyone is cheering and laughing..The microphone that my friend was wearing picked up EVERYTHING I screamed and said the whole ride...Needless to say, I stayed far away from that ride the rest of the season!


I think getting crapped on by a bird not once, not twice, but three different times this summer while working Magnum should count for this one... :)

2001 Magnum Crew

Hmmm...embarassing...let's see. Umm...not personally my embarassment, but was funny and gross...first off at SFGAm, there was puke on the railing and down below on the exit ramp of Raging Bull...I mean, if you were about to hurl, wouldn't it make everyone's job alot easier if you leaned OVER the railing, instead of vomiting ON the railing?

Then there was this one time at Mooseburger Lodge that this girl was looking kind of green, and all of a sudden, she gets up, hand on stomach, other over mouth, passes at least 6 free garbage cans, and decides to vomit right in the entranceway from the patio...needless to say, I lost my appetite.

And then this one time where I was going into the haunted mansion at WDW and they were putting sawdust on a pile in the queue.

On a slightly more appetizing note, I was personally chagrined when my blithe attitude came and bit me in the butt. I was trying to convince riding partners of mine to ride haunted mansion with me, but they refused claiming that "It always breaks down, and they're easily spooked". I of course responded with a "Don't worry, It won't break down, come on! Even if it does, it won't be scary." They refused, and I rode, yet the ride stopped for like 5 minutes in the chamber where the ghosts look like they're in your car. I was eating my foot right about then...

Welcome to Six Flags Great America, home of the fastlane and delay-ja vu! We have now officially been deemed the world-wide wait!

*** This post was edited by V² Fiend on 3/11/2002. ***

Matt~ If it makes you feel anybetter, I've had vomit land on me on three different occassions on Mantis while on duty. Luckily, 2 of the 3 were just rebounds from the platform. The third was all over my shoes, I had to go and buy new shoes from costuming! =( As for the birds, is Magnum still teh nesting ground for the most aggressive birds on the point? (LOL)


mantis '98 crew

Here's my most embarrassing moment:

Rugrats Runaway Reptar Media Day at PKI. We were told to be there at 6 a.m. sharp (or some ungodly hour) and to use the south entrance. Well, when I think of the south entrance, I thought that meant the entrance that actually is on the south side of the lot. But no, they meant the more southern of the two WEST entrances.

So I take the wrong entrance, and end up way beyond Waterworks. Strange place to meet, but there were several cars and people there, so I got out and stood around with them. No one was talking about coasters - or talking at all for that matter - but I decided it was just because it was so early.

More cars showed up. More people got out and stood around. 15 minutes passed. It was 6 a.m. Finally I asked a woman, "Are you here for the Reptar Media Day?"

"No," she said, "I'm waiting for the bus downtown."

Right then a city bus pulled up and everyone got in. AHH!

So I jumped in my car and sped to the front gate, where Jeff Siebert was just then finishing his opening speech and leading the REAL group of enthusiasts into the park. :)

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

Many years ago in PKI's Waterworks, I got a super huge wedgie after arriving at the bottom of one of the super twisty slides. Obviously I mooned everyone watching. Everyone was laughing except me. I promptly went to the locker room, changed my clothes and have not been on a slide at that park since.


A.K.A. John K.

Ooh, here's another: Once while riding The Plunge (steep water slide at PKI's WaterWorks), I stumbled off the ride and realized I'd lost my contacts. Both of them. And my vision is about 20/4000, seriously. I couldn't see crap, and I had to drive home (the person I was with was only 15, I was 17).

Well, I stumbled around for about 5 minutes, then I heard this SHHLURP sound inside my head, and I could see again. Turns out the slide had just pushed my contacts somewhere up inside my head. Ewww.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

Okay, my turn...

My first visit to an amusement park was when I was 3 years old. It was Lake Quassipog (sp?), which now goes by Quassy Amusement Park.

I saw the helicopter kiddie ride and couldn't wait to go up in. Begged and begged my parents and they finally agreed.

Now remember, I was only three...and when that little helicopter soared "high" in the sky, it scared me half to death. I screamed my little head off -- till the operator stopped the ride mid-cycle in order to let me off.

To this day I won't go up in a real helicopter.

But, hey--at least I didn't puke! :)


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

beast7369's avatar

These are all great!

Well this one really is not my embarrasing story....but that of my girlfriend. She is gonna really love me for this one! ;)

At SFGAm we rode Giant Drop, her top came up exposing her bra to the entire queue line for Giant Drop. You should have seen the expressions on everyone's faces in was priceless.

Now open Zero-G Thrills, an all new Coaster and Amusement Park Photos site

Well my story is not only enbarrasing but a little unfortunate. B&M-TYCOON will probably understand this- :).

I was riding The Racer backward at PKI last summer with a friend. When I ride I pretend I have no control over my body- meaning I let the forces do what they want to me, I don't fight them. I don't do that to act dumb, I just like the sensations. To coinside with that, I also like to ride with my arms up and out so it looks as if I'm making a "V" with my arms.

You all know the hill going back toward the station where it turns as it drops, right? Well right there my body including my arms naturally shifted to the right and then rapidly left. I was sitting on the outside of the train (side closest to Coney Mall) and my friend was next to me. When that happened I unknownly elbowed him in the eye (I have long arms and I thought I bumped off of his shoulder). He started yelling "AHH!, OUCH!, OHH!" He was still getting over his fear of coasters then and was yelling that earlier so I didn't think anything of it. I just laughed thinking he was having a horrible time. Well, he was.

Getting off at the station he was holding his eye and yells at me loudly "Thanks for blinding me!" Quite embarrasing because the ride ops came up to see if he was okay. If I could turn red, I would (look at my picture). LOL. He told the ride ops he was fine and we proceeded to the restroom near Coney Confections so he could get some paper towels to make a cold compress. Well, by the end of the day, we both could tell that he was getting a black eye. Oops! He didn't want to ride with me the rest of that day although I can't blame him. All was forgiven though. He visited PKI with me later that season and would jokingly cover the eye closest to me when we would ride.

"Back seat, no hands."

I have worked for VF for five seasons the one coming up will be my sixth anyway my first season some kid was out on a dippin dots cart and decided he needed water he turned to the sprinkler tap turned it on instead of coming out the side like he expected it came straight out the top up his shorts and out the top of his shirt me it was the funniest thing I have ever seen in all five years I have been with them

*** This post was edited by myst2234 on 3/12/2002. ***

Last year at cp, I was next in line for the blue streak (last seat). When the next train pulled up, this kid started puking in his lap. So he ran down the exit ramp and put his head in to a trash can....very nasty stuff. Meanwhile, the blue streak crew had to clean all of the throw-up by hosing down the last 2 seats and sprayed lysol, then ran the train through the course I think 3 times before they let me, and the other riders back on.

Later that day, I saw the same kid get off Gemini with out puking....go figuer!?!

Mine was when I had gotten stuck in the seat on the great american scream machine. I was stuck their for 5 minutes.

Mathyou said:

Later that day, I saw the same kid get off Gemini with out puking....go figuer!?!

no kidding, all his puke was gone.


I HATE SNOW!!! I am boycotting snow, I refuse to have fun in it.

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