Parc Asterix

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After 6 hours on the plane I went straight to my .2 star hotel. Because tommarrow I was to arrive in Parc Asterix.
Well tommarrow came fast! I went to the parc about ten minutes before it opened. After breaking the enterence I jetted straight to... Gourdurix. After waiting for about 11 seconds I went to the middle seat. After the rather quick lifthill we dove straight into a butterfly. And it was then I realized that this ride as rougher side and can shake you around a bit. Then I went straight into a boomerang. The thing about this coaster is it's just inversions, one right another. After that we went right into a loop. That loop is one of the smoothest loops I ever been in. It just felt unique. After the loop we got some air ith a small hill and then went went thhrough the smoothest twin corkscrew ever. It was just like the corkscrews on Viper at SFMM. After the brakes and I got back into the station. And then I decided to go around again but I couldn't. The line in that 2 minutes that I was on the ride went to about 1.5 hour wait. So I decided to see the park. On the T.V. special they had a little segmment about Parc Asterix and I saw a way to see the park. So I found the Les Espions de Cesar(cesars spys). It was a relaxing way o see the park and no my way around. After the 10 minute rip I was gonna give my little brother a thrill. We wwennt to Flight of Icrus. He went on and had a blast. In fact he went on 2 more times. After that we went to the Les Cheuaux du Roy, a old style like carosel. It had the theme of the show Asterix. Kind of catchy and relaxing. Then We had to refuel. With the help of american cheese burgars and fries. After that little meal i took my little brother to Au Pied du Grand Huit, A cool little ride with airplanes and all that. Next we went to the mac daddy of them all Tonerre de Zeus. After a one hour wait my brother was heart broken to find out he was on 3 inches to short to ride. I was felling pretty guilty watching him as I left the station in the middle seat. But i was over it when I hit the lift hill. Now at theis point I'm so excited. I was going to be rideing one of the best woodies in the world. Well at the top of the hill I almost wet my pants I was so excited. WScreaming down the drop straight into a tunnel with a face on it went into the first turn right in to a camel back twist thing with a healty dose of air time. then into helix under some structure. Then we got some major air with 3 small camel backs right into anotherr turn under more structure. Right after that was two bigger camel backs with some serious air again. Then it was a bunch of twists and turns under more structure! the a small camel back the a long helix into the brakes! Now to tell you the truth I did not remember all of that so I had to refresh it a bit with the video on I need to get climpse of the ride and remember what happened at that certian point. With out the vide I ould be able to remember the ride and give a good report. But after rideing 5 times I was convinced that this is the best CCI coaster out there. I had good air just like Cyclops and Raven. I believe that everybody should have a chance to ride this thing. Tonerre de Zeus..... The best of the best!!!!!!!

After that I decided to make it up to my brother and let him ride some junior coasters. Which as a matter of fact Parc Asterix has a lot of them. So We headed towards serpenin. A family coaster It had a cool punch of air time and lateral g's. We went on it twice actually. Then it was off to Trans Arvenere. It was like a a smaller version of roadrunner express with a taxi cab setting. Very amusing I might add. The wedecided to hit the new coaster int the park. We went to Trace du Hourra. A bobsledinng coaster in case you didn't know. it was fast ond fun. It had rocks on bouldars through out the whole ride. The helixes weere just fabulos. A great bob'n coaster. and after 3 laps clocked it was time to go to the .2 star hotel. On the way there we got some more fuel and then I made a reservation to for my rental car. In 3 days time I was to make my apperiance at Alton Towers in Alton. So I will right to you all about that experience soon I hope.


Very cool.  After seeing the video of Zeus, I am dying to ride it.  It looks like one crazy, mangled, rampaging CCI.   Glad you liked your trip.
I've been dying to ride this for a while now. Do you know how far outside of Paris it is and if there is any public transportation that can be taken to the park?
Damn, my post got lost in the edit. The main thing is these videos.

*** This post was edited by Taipan on 8/22/2001. ***

Thanks for the link Taipain. Glad you had fun on your trip!
Ricochet: Bouncing to you in 2002, Only at King's Dominion!

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