Paramount's Kings Island...4/18

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Let me start of by saying, I couldn't have asked for better weather. It was warm...not too cold...not too hot. And it also looked like it was gonna rain all day which I think kept crowds down. Ok here it goes...I'm just going to rate each ride in the order I rode them (not including re-rides).

-Son of Beast- I love this ride. It's not that rough if you sit in the right seats. It has great speed, helices, and I love the loop. My favorite wooden coaster. Rode it twice...first time we got the first ride of the day and the second we waited and hour and a half (damn 1 train)...9.3/10.
-Drop Zone- One of the few rides I've been on that absolutely scares the crap outta me. Only had about a 10 minute line which was nice...9.9/10.
-Top Gun- Fun ride but wayyyy too short...6/10.
-Flight of Fear- My favorite coaster (even over MF). It's just crazy..the launch is great, you can't see, and if you sit in the back the G's are almost constant...10/10.
-Racer(forward)- Still a fun ride after the many times I've been on it. There isn't much airtime though...7/10.
-Vortex- I can't stand this ride..headache..2/10.
-Spongebob 3D- Lol...I don't know why I did this...I guess it was just a spur of the moment kinda thing...pretty fun though...710
-The Beast- I don't know what it is, but to me The Beast doesn't live up to its hype. I mean its long and fast but what else? There is nothing redeeming about it except the final helix which saves this ride from being a waste....7.5/10.

So after that I had done all the coasters and rides I wanted to do except Delirium. So after reriding FoF what do I find? Delirium down...for about 3 hours. So I just ride all of my favorite rides again and Delirium was back up around 6:00 I believe. So...

-Delirium- Wow! I absolutely love this's so...different than anything I've ever been on. I love when it reaches full's so high and fast and there are tons of positive G's at the bottom. My favorite ride anywhere...more fun than any coaster I've been on...11/10.

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